I think it’s obvious to say don’t bring the trolls out of the greys.
I think it’s obvious to say don’t bring the trolls out of the greys.
See, I thought there was going to be a noble rank theme. Like their names would be Kaiser, Czar and Sultana.
How about not making fun of anyone’s height, celebrity or not?
I just love ❤️ her!
Waters: “Why didn’t you bother responding to our letter?”
I would love Jezebel 1000% times more if they would drop the posts on d list jerkoffs that no one gives a shit about.
When people smile with chewed up gum in their mouth it is all I can see. It takes a nice photo and makes it gross. She might as well have a spider crawling out of her maw.
The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?
HAHAHA OH GOD PLEASE LET’S HAVE A WORLD LEADERS ROAST OF TRUMP AFTER HE GETS IMPEACHED. Macron, Merkel, Turnbull, Trudeau, hell let’s invite everyone. It’ll be like the Olympics, only only one night and there’s only one event: roasting the shit out of a disgraceful asshole.
Agreed. Her current decline is from that haircut. She Felicity’ed herself.
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I read it as how big his dick is.
Someone needs to pull down and post the clip of Trump shoving the Montenegro PM, then buttoning his jacket while sticking out his chin like Mussolini. It tells us everything we need to know about Trump as a human being.
I don’t know who Nas is
Prenup with a non-disclosure agreement.