
Jezebel: I want to believe

Someone posted this on GT yesterday, and I’m still reeling.

Honestly, I thought that was more about how tiring it is to put a kid to bed. I barely feel human after that sometimes.

She has nice big hands and adjusts her boobage like a normal person. Eh. I’m easy.

Right? I feel so much second hand embarrassment looking at those pictures.

because we refuse to make any changes.

ok but can we speculate on whether or not she bathes in the blood of virgins or is an actual vampire because girlfriend does not age???

They really know how to gild a turd.

It only ‘arouses suspicion’ if you don’t understand the process.

I’m just glad we can finally focus on the real victim, his dad’s stash of pretzels.

Yeah. Fuck that guy. Now we know where the kid gets the entitled, irresponsible attitude.

20 minutes out of a life is actually a really long time to violate someone when you consider that you can kill in seconds. Time isn’t indicative of harm.

“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”

sorry, this wasn’t meant as a criticism of you and your reasoning seems totally valid, I’m just frustrated because all the stories about the stanford rapist I’ve read today have have referred to what happened as him ‘having sex with an unconscious woman’ and it’s pissing me off

Really fucking sick of Jezebel, of all places, calling this bullshit “sex.”

raping, not having sex with

Really, less Yoko is best Yoko.

Reading Yoko in Tweet Beat is like reading Family Circus on the comics page, or reading your horoscope. Sometimes it makes you think of something accidentally borderline profound, and if you miss it, you’re a lesser person.

Agreed. I see Yoko Ono and I skip past her tweet. It’s a waste of tweet beat space for me.