RIP Bump Bailey

Can we root for them to be so bad that the 1972 Dolphins retroactively have their perfect season stripped so we never have to hear about it again?

Yes, that is why I made the comment on an article about AB.

Show off.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, one of the easiest things to do in life is not exposing oneself to others, I do it everyday with ease!

Surprising that he and Big Ben didn’t get along better.

Also tens of thousands of Pats fans. Folks here assume that any negative news about the team is just jealousy. It’s ... pretty awful.

“Whatever, haters, you’re just mad because he’s on the Patriots!”

Isn’t that now called Showing the Kavanaugh?

To put in perspective how old Adam Vinatieri is....when his original team drafted him, they didn’t have any fans until his sixth season.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it sounds like your boy is going to need some good old-fashioned therapy if he wants to make any more conversions this year. Pray for him.

Not that you're sober or coherent enough to read this and respond, but I'd love to know what's "bias against Brees" in this article. Is reporting on a bad thing that happened to him bias now?

Maybe if you guys try hard enough you could pray the injury away.

You don’t need an Rx any longer, Dad.

I agree that the person who should be most offended by all of this is Tommy John

Also, Tommy John only ever hurt his arm once, and the surgical procedure named after him heals arms.

I know what you said are technically names and words, but just a heads up, none of it makes sense. 

Williams led with an “Odell who?”

Turning into salt? That’s asking a Lot.

Wasn’t it also mentioned several times during his brief NFL stint that coaches had asked him to fill a role other than QB, and he repeatedly refused to do so? Because “God wants me to be an NFL quarterback” or some such idiocy?

That shit is selfish!

To be fair, I think if Jesus had it all to do over again, he would have liked to be paid for his troubles