RIP Bump Bailey

Yes sometimes when I pay for coffee they thank me profusely and even go so far as to call me “Sir”. So that totally means baristas, and all cashiers really, have the utmost respect and admiration for helping them out by buying stuff. You should see how kind wait staff is to me always checking up me and asking if I

Are there a lot of people who consider thin skin to be an admirable trait?

We will not rest until we learn the truth about how Tyler came into possession of these narcotics

NYE Triple Homicide in Apt above a Pizzeria will from now on be called a Biles.

My guess is that there’s both a compulsory murder charge and a degree of difficulty murder charge for each person. 

while Tevin and her older sister grew up in Cleveland with their great aunt.

I don’t have a horse in this race, but from my experience New Orleans is a waaaaay better place to spend a weekend. Atlanta is like most other U.S. cities: some buildings, traffic, and an airport. That’s about it.

Considering how shitty of a person he was, I’d say complaining about Andrew Jackson should be allowed in perpetuity. 

You’re splitting that hair real thin with Richie Incognito.

After reading all the WYTS this year I’m starting to get the feeling........ that all NFL fanbases are racist

And Trump supporters will be equally as obnoxious after he wins the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the Grand Unification Theory. Vegas has the same odds on both.

Hand this team a million red flags and Reid will just throw them all on the field within the first five minutes of a half.”

It’s about time somebody give Jake Delhomme another shot!

I don’t think I’ll ever remember that the Chargers moved to LA. In a decade, I’ll see LAC on the ticker at the bottom of the screen and still think that the Clippers are playing the Broncos for some reason.

Ditto this. I sadly lost my approved status after pointing out to Billy that he had managed to call Barcelona’s 2015 season both (unironically) the greatest season ever and also just a few months earlier a “total dumpster fire”. 

Someone with no kids voluntarily joining a two-day road trip with a family that includes 1- and 4-year-olds is one of the craziest fucking things I’ve ever heard. After about hour eight, he’ll probably call ahead to a urologist in Florida and schedule a vasectomy before even returning home to Chicago.

Every damn key you suggested I used within the last hour. Guarantee you that the code running this website has plenty of brackets ‘[’, braces ‘{’, pipes ‘|’ and tildes ‘~’.

I do enjoy the complaint about run-on sentences within a 96-word, full paragraph of a sentence.

Why, do the boxes taste better? 

The soccer comments are dickish because Billy has been told the same complaints about his writing over and over and over for years - enough with the ridiculous paragraph-long run-on sentences, the use of fourteen paragraphs to make an incredibly banal point that could have been made in two sentences, the constant