Jesus, Teddy sounds like an asshole.
Jesus, Teddy sounds like an asshole.
Belichick knows the names of every 5th string linebacker on every team. He has studied tape of every back up center in the league. So that when other teams release them he can then sign them and make an All Pro out of them.
Maybe he could get the Van Buren Boys to kick the shit out of Doug Gottlieb ? I’d pay to see it
I felt really bad for O.J. Simpson until I remembered I don’t give a shit about anyone’s fantasy football team, and also that time he killed his ex-wife and a waiter.
Saying stupid shit got the current President elected, so I’m going to go with attribute.
INSTANTLY multiple Pats fans I knew sent that to me. I told them there’s no way he hadn’t heard, and that he was either lying or misunderstood. They gave me the typical “HE’S JUST MORE FOCUSED THAN EVERYONE ELSE” nonsense
Maybe Thom Brady shouldn’t have cheated.
I don’t think the Bucs would give up that much just to get rid of Winston.
but as long as minorities are worse off and their reps are praisin’ Jaysus these idiots don’t care that their state is dying.
Why does every WYTS have a Pats fan in the comments that somehow makes it about them? Extra points for squeezing in the number of Super Bowls they have in the last several years. WE KNOW DUDE, WE ALL KNOW, JUST LET US HAVE ONE FUCKING BLOG WHERE WE CAN FOCUS ON SOMEONE ELSE
The obvious solution is to get a team of troops because we all know they could probably beat these guys anyway. More and more people are saying it. You’re really hearing it more and more.
If there was a young man in literally any other profession who made $100 million before he was 30 and decided to retire, he would be lauded. The Wall Street Journal would write thousands of words of wankery praising his acumen and smarts and god bless America.
The fact that the NFL has made itself into a weekly orgy of vaguely fashy American nationalism can only hurt the popularity of the sport outside the US.
A lot of people can’t handle witnessing the truth.
Thank him for his service.
Using his logic, Target has stolen tens of thousands of dollars from me over the year. They have NEVER bought anything from me! There’s yuge trade deficit with Target! Now, I’ve put on a 25% tariff from everything I buy from Target. That’ll show me!
In the minds of Eagles fans, that Super Bowl win validated all of their needless assholery and encouraged them to be awful, awful people from here into eternity. I know that being a dickhead pays in 2019's America, but that doesn’t mean you should embrace the trend. Oh, but these people have.
Good point, Burner. She has very little experience with athletic achievement in high-pressure situations. Hard to believe you’re in the greys.
Inside Matt Nagy’s recurring dream:
“Bear Weather” is winter. Bears sleep in the winter. Stop owning yourselves with “Bear Weather” you absolute stereotypes.