
I’m surprised the police helped domestic abuse shelters in the first place, since at least 40% of them help populate those same shelters.

Reading Jez while standing in line in my very red area of Houston. Hope there are more of us out there working to change our areas blue and away from these freaks 

...because the Republicans has nothing but love and compassion in their hearts during the Obama years.

Seriously, he’s been gross looking for years. But then I’ve never understood the Leo love, I disliked him even back in the Titanic days when he was “pretty” despite being in the target fan age. I think was I just being purposely contrary, but now I’m glad I was.

I submit Paul Rudd to Good Guys.

Cynthia Heimel wrote, about the feminist movement, that their worst oppressors back then (and now) were other women, because, quote, “these were women who had devoted their actual lives to a sweepingly false paradigm.”

Except horses are super dangerous, especially when super rich people think they know everything and buy batshit crazy shitshow horses then expect people who make comparatively very little to ride them so they’re safe and trained and less likely to maim or kill their owners.

Poor Little Rich Girl Syndrome, probably. People who grow up with too much money have a very different set of problems than those who grow up in poverty, but overall - in hindsight - I think I prefer having grown up with relatively little money to being an heiress.

Well, she probably didn’t get to have her own slave before, so she might see that as a positive.

There was a lively debate on my community Facebook page when someone asked for an “objective” news source. Several folks (myself included) suggested the PBS NewsHour, C-SPAN, NPR, as well as wire services like AP and Reuters.

“Powerful”? I just saw an insecure bully who’s too much of a pussy to abide by the rules.  Truly powerful people don’t need to cheat at debating (or golf, or in their business dealings, or on their taxes, or...).  They can win on their own merits.

I have heard MANY people say “I only watch Fox News because everything else is fake.” And some of those people have turned on that network because Chris Wallace tried to get Trump to actually answer a question.

I dislike Trump immensely. But his performance, especially in the beginning, was powerful and domineering and showed an unwillingness to follow the rules or let someone else dictate his actions.


Like they will acknowledge the media ever giving them equal treatment. The media is always going to be the enemy. All that shit does is give them quotes to push their agenda.

How else can they prove to MAGA hats that they’re not part of the radical leftist agenda unless they both-sides everything?

Remember in 2016, when some kinja bloggers said it was cool for people to not vote if they weren’t thrilled by the candidates?

Serena Joy wasn’t just some imaginary character - she was based on common real world archetypes.

I don’t think it counts as feminism of any kind, if you are just actively pushing women back down below you. I remember reading Susan Brown Miller’s autobiography ages ago, and they dealt with this shit all the time in the 60's & 70's. It doesn’t count as progress for women if one woman gets to be exceptional and the

See here’s where my ADHD would probably have gotten me killed.