
I was thinking it was a knock off of Michael Myers’ mask from Halloween. I didn’t think of the purge. But the purge would make more sense seeing as how they have a movie titled “election day”or something like that. 

I mean, it’s not a total change of heart but my voting for Biden will be less painful entirely because of “Will you just shut up, man?”

Kind of seems like this family is sort of shit at raising girls. These women fall for some next level psycho bullshit Bc they don’t have self esteem and/or are desperate for love 

To be fair, I was in high school when reality tv gained traction outside of MTV and I thought it was trash then too. So I’ve been in “get off of my lawn” level for over 20 years now 

I don’t watch the videos. I’ve seen precisely one and that was because I walked in on my stepdad watching it and I couldn’t look away. It was tamir rice and I will live the rest of my life wishing I hadn’t seen it. But I don’t watch the videos because I don’t need to see. I believe victims. Also, before BLM became a

I don’t get this attitude. I have literally not ever not once ever given a shit whether the kids taking the candy lived in my neighborhood or not. I’ve never known anyone who has. What kind of demon worries about such things? Are you worried you’re going to be nice to the wrong kids? What an awful person. 

They favored Hillary, too. They wrote an article after 2016 election about all the factors that messed up their calculations. Here’s hoping they are right about this. 

I really can’t tell either. But I know I’m bad at it. I only recently learned that there are hair extensions for white people 

I read that as he wasn’t acting in good faith. Like it wasn’t that he thought she was the one or that he was so in love with her...he just needed his binky. If he was getting back with her for reasons that he knew weren’t the right ones, then yeah, he fucked with a woman with mental health issues to make himself feel

I have an ex that it hurts my heart to even think of never seeing him again, and I ran my life into the ground trying to hold that toxic mess of a relationship together. The thing that helps me through this is a coworker of mine told me when I was going through the final breakup: one day you’re going to wake up and

I’m sort of just shocked that this isn’t more of a story. I was just sort of shocked when when I saw pictures of this. 

I think a lot of people, particularly those that lean conservative, are just starving for any shred of evidence that there is humanity anywhere on their side of the ticket. 

Yeah yeah, trump and his entire family are toxic and awful. How can you gloss over cows that milk themselves for a story on the least relevant trump progeny? 

I’m on the young end of Gen X, and the boomers have made me realize that the only thing I want in  my sunset years are to please kill me off before I become anything like this. 

Her hairline makes my head hurt. My grandma used to do my hair up that tight and it’s actually torture

You know ive been a Wonder Woman fanatic my entire should see how much stuff I have with her logo on I was so excited that they were going to do a good movie with her...and they are fine. But I always get distracted by her eyebrows in the intense scenes. 

Well that’s what he gets for thinking when he’s not used to it. What a douche 

Are you seriously arguing that a 16 year old girl who has spent her life being sexually abused by the person that was supposed to protect her from such things knew exactly what she was doing? No, that man groomed her to become this. She didn’t do this because she wanted to, she did it because she had been groomed and

I’m Gen X and it’s very uncomfortable to do this but I once had a therapist tell me that letting it out in the open prevents people from being able to use it against you as effectively. I guess the GoT quote where tyrion tells Jon Snow to never forget who he is but to use it like armor so it can never be used to hurt

I think that within the context of the GOP holding the COVID/unemployment/rent relief thing hostage in order to protect corporations from legal liability if they get their employees sick via shitty policy or actions. This is the party that is constantly seeking to limit what you can get out of insurance companies. The