
Yeah. Well fuck this guy and google. No winners in this story.

I get the feeling there are going to be some very entertaining court docs when this dickhole’s suit gets dismissed. I love me some legal snark.

I think it’s so funny the side using “snowflake” as an insult is the side that thinks there’s a war on Christmas, upset over plain red holiday cups

Google, Facebook, and Amazon are not interested in people who can program computers, especially women. They are only interested in dudebros from Stanford or Champaign-Urbana who can describe algorithms in O(n) or O(log(n)) time. This is why they will never take over the world, like they want.

He is wrong about those traits, he is overselling the research, and he is using generalities to discount women’s abilities, interests, and aptitudes. After circulating something like this publicly, he cannot supervise or rate any female colleagues, he is clearly biased.

It’s funny that right now, there is massive discrimination against white men and any US citizen through corporate use of H1Bs. So there is “white men” discrimination now and black women, and latino women, and white women too... any US citizen that wants to work in tech.

Harmeet? WTF girlfriend? What happened to you, why are you like this?

That’s not accurate. What he wrote was a screed positing that women succeed less because they are less able inherently. They had to fire him. And if he thought it was solicited by HR, he should have sent it straight to HR, with a cover email saying as much. Also, he didn’t properly interpret the research he cited, so

I didn’t know conservative white men were a protected class who faced rampant discrimination. Won’t someone please think of the men who run the entire country? They’re such a disadvantaged group. Sometimes people have the audacity to disagree with them.

I (a woman) got promoted this year to a senior position over several male colleagues who all have crippling social/emotional issues and are general assholes. Guess what the narrative is in my group right now?

A formal declaration of male fragility in dense legalese. It should be put in an archive somewhere.

Good fucking Lord, I cannot wait until we’re past this point. I don’t ever expect to live in a full equitable society where men and women of all races and nationalities and gender identities are treated perfectly equal, but I would fucking love to get back to just a few years ago, when all but the loudest and dumbest

If you spend any amount of time perusing conservative Twitter, you’ll often come across various people completely freaking out over the use of “snowflake” to describe guys like this. It’s as if the very idea is a crime against humanity. Apparently many of them think that because conservatives invented the concept, its

What’s the difference between a man and trash?

1. The demographics of Google alone means this case won’t go anywhere. White men are VASTLY over-represented and are clearly not being discriminated against as a group.

You guys realize that mediocre white men are going to cling to power at any cost. We’re going to have to pry it out of their cold dead hands. I don’t have any problem with that.

Here’s the thing:

Worth reading:

I don’t advocate for violence, but some people just deserve a kick in the balls. How much would that settlement cost me? Gofundme anyone?

I mean this with all sincerity when I say that I really hope this guy gets kicked in the dick by a teenage girl.