
I too am one of the olds, and I can tell you that one of the biggest problems is American society. It literally makes people crazy. If you have a rational mind, it makes you the odd person and very hard to find another rational person.

That’s some heavy stuff you’re dealing with. You’re not a downer. What a horrible, awful experience with your ex, and I, too, wish he could simply be undone. I’m so sorry for your loss. It must be devastating.

This made me cry.

You deserve to be in good shape, have a fulfilling career and hobbies, live in a nice apartment, and all of that. You deserve it to please yourself and because you are a queen, not because all of those things are ultimately supposed to please someone else. So maybe the initial end-goal wasn’t realized, but I’m glad

So yeah, even if I’m not incredibly active here, I created this burner account so that I can express how much does this piece means to me. You are a good writer and also you write from an experience of a lot of pain, which I personally understand.

Unless you’ve been in this position, my experience is that it is it is

I’m single. You’re smart, funny, and cute. Let’s have coffee.

It’s probably weird to post this here, but whatever.

Amen to all that. I mentioned elsewhere in the comments to this post that I could have done myself a huge favor by unhooking from the idea that “if he loves me that much, even if I don’t feel as though I feel the same, I had better take it because isn’t that better than nothing.” I married someone I was mild about,

Instead, I made a resolution. I would go on two dates a week, every week, for three months. It would be like going to see poor, bored Daniel at the gym, except building strength in my emotions instead of my butt.

I’m 38, never been married and don’t have kids. I have grown annoyed with people (men) asking me, “Why aren’t you married? What’s wrong with you?”. I just look at them and depending on my mood just say, “I don’t know, I suppose I’m just crazy” or ask them about their divorces and what is wrong with them.

I’m so, so sorry to hear about your husband. I can’t offer you much in the way of advice, because although it felt like my partner had died when he left me, it’s not really the same. Grief is grief, though, and we all handle it differently. Don’t think ahead too much right now - it can be terrifying. Just focus on

Thank you for this article! I’m 51 and newly single after 20 years of marriage. I might has well have been alone for the last 8 years of the marriage, due to the emotional affair my now- ex husband was having. I’m now doing the online dating thing, and meeting quite a few men. Already had my heart badly broken once

I’m about to be alone for the first time in 14 years, as my husband dies.

Finding love is easy. There are many many people out there who will love you, if that’s what you want. You can have love tomorrow if you want.

I love this and the previous post about being single forever. I think well meaning people who have found love don’t really understand how much work it is for those of us who struggle with it. I’m in my early 30s, never had a real relationship, and September will mark 10 years since I was intimate with someone.

I so wish I had a cell phone and all the helpful links available today. I lived alone for 12 plus years. Dating little not knowing how to be alone and happy. Meeting the wrong type of men and allowing myself to be hurt by not thinking that I was worthy of being loved and treated with respect. I finally found a really

Thing is, you can tell he finds Gillibrand attractive.... you can tell by the level of sexualized savagery in his abuse. I’m frankly surprised he didn’t use the word “blood” in that tweet. (Ref. Brzezinski, Kelly)

I bet there’s more bad Russia news. Or rather, evidence of financial crimes (which he has almost certainly committed because come on). I cannot imagine he believes his supporters would care about him being horrible to a woman. Or even assaulting a woman on camera. Being a vile misogynist is pretty on brand, after all.

Anything to save us from another news cycle.

It feels like something big is coming. Like maybe Trump knows there’s proof of his rapeyness out there and he is panicking and tantrumming in his toddler- sitting-in-a-turdy-diaper way. Or maybe he’s just going to fire off the nukes. Could be that too.