Like everyone else in the comments (it seems), I can so relate to this. I’m divorced. Sexless marriage. I dated a little. I have pretty much decided dating is not worth the effort.
Like everyone else in the comments (it seems), I can so relate to this. I’m divorced. Sexless marriage. I dated a little. I have pretty much decided dating is not worth the effort.
I have wondered why so many (read almost all) of the prints are so hideous! Do they get the hideous fabric super cheap and that’s why they make such terrible prints? Surely no one would choose some of those terrible prints and color schemes!
What would a better outfit be? And for those days when I, too, want to slut-it-up, what do I need to copy
Oops, now I like you and feel bad for my snark above.
Hmmm, gentile ruin? Is that anything like genteel poverty?
Lol, you have just described my marriage.
I was with you until I saw Syfy. What kind of monster encourages other people to watch Syfy?
High-waisted Talbots barely boot-cut for me. These are the tightest jeans I have worn in 20 years. I swore I would never wear such tight pants, but the saleswomen insisted I get this size, which initially felt too small, and after 2 days of wearing them, I’m hooked.
OMG, me too, I grew up with baggy clothes being the norm. I’m a slow learner though, so despite everyone else figuring this out much sooner, just this very weekend I learned how to wear clothes that fit, which formerly felt way too tight to me. It probably also has to do with asking the opinions of and listening to…
Yes, thank you! We don’t need to cater more to fragile white men’s fee-fees over everyone else’s actual human rights. We need to un-gerrymander the country, that’s what’s preventing more democrats winning
Yep, the democrats can kiss my ass if they keep up with the pandering to the white male identity politics crowd. I will either vote third party, moderate republican, or not at all if those jackholes sell out women and POC to try to earn the votes of a few more white men suffering from “economic anxiety.” I fucking…
You forgot Hilary. How can Trump work her into the blame-game? I know, he can tweet that the fake news media is not reporting that the storm is named HILARY. That bitch, everything is always her fault!
Hatred seems like too mild an emotion, like if it was a weapon it would be nerf darts. What’s the emotion that corresponds to nuclear missles, that’s the emotion that’s appropriate for Donald Trump
Good point, my meanest, fattest grandparent (grandpa) lived the longest by far, despite having more health problems (he did not, however, die from cancer like the rest, maybe meanness prevents cancer?)
This is satire right? A parody of mansplaining?
In my neighborhood, the chickens at the one house that had them disappeared on their own, courtesy of apparently hawks, cats, and their own escape artist tendencies (I returned one I caught during a dog walk once. Fortunately I got the bird before my dogs did.) I think their people needed lessons in building a…
We had a neighborhood dog once who lived 4 streets up and 4 or 5 streets to the side of us, all of them semi-busy so that his safety as far as not being hit by a car is a real concern coming that far from home. I was working from home at the time, so I always would be the one to find him in our (fenced, I guess he’s…
Tough question, and me with so few brain cells left, lol.
Cowshit it makes the grass grown green!
That is beyond creepy. Thanks in advance for tonight’s nightmare fodder.