Here’s my version (pre-Bannon leaving):
Here’s my version (pre-Bannon leaving):
I own a (tacky, gold-plated) mansion and a yacht
Yes, these need to be billboards, and need to be as close to the whitehouse, drumpf tower, maralago, and every trump golf course as possible.
Ugh, you are so willfully ignorant it’s painful for bystanders. Of course he claims they agreed, what man is going to admit he is a butcher and a torturer? Slaves had no power over their own lives, they cannot have given meaningful consent.
It is unethical. Abuse and torture of human research subjects of the past is why we have strong protections today.
Naw, I gave the matter some thought. I’m pretty sure you’re of a right-leaning political persuasion, looking to set some left-leaning people against each other. If you’re something other than that, I’ll see you around and apologize for any misjudgment later.
You are
Well your user name is certainly accurate.
I bet she lives in Canada!
Same. Lost 40 lbs from being so depressed I barely ate. Got lots of compliments which, I agree with you, was very messed up. I was complimented on “taking care of myself,” and on my “accomplishment(?!),” joke’s on them, I was existing on diet coke, almonds, granola bars and tuna straight from the can when I could…
Donated, that woman is a hero
I agree. Everyone who wants something stronger, join me for Vodka and Ativan.
You know they’d just prop him up in a chair and let Kushner use him like ventriloquist’s dummy
The problem is you are trying to understand by talking. Try listening for awhile. I am a white woman, btw. xe
Hmmm, apparently my faith in humanity is lower than yours. I was frankly expecting more nazis and fewer anti-nazis here. I’m personally heartened by the difference between my fears and reality.
Your views are pretty easy to guess from the single source which you have used here repeatedly
Your single source appears to be problematically biased:
I don’t know, England (and the rest of the world, but I choose England because they specifically had a pact with Poland for mutual defense) ignored that bully Nazi Germany taking Poland, and before you know it Hitler tried to take the rest of Eurasia as well. I’m going to say ignoring fascists only emboldens them. …
Not to mention he’s also wrong even if his pendulum metaphor was accurate: our society is still tilted to the side of the extremists, where on the whole, white men have most of the power in society, as evidenced by the fact that there are more CEOs in the Fortune 500 named John than there are women (I do not know for…
Counterpoint: Steve Bannon, Harvard I believe. And many many others who should have had enough education to know racism is wrong.