
According to Bubba, his team member that first noticed the noose went to all the other nearby garages to see if any had a similarly shaped door pull and NONE of them he saw did. Just theirs.

I can see how, given the myriad of pro-confederate flag protests and all the shit from the racist NASCAR fans who want Bubba out of the sport, one of the 43's crewmembers could discover that knot and get suspicious.

There is a sizeable contingent of Tesla owners who would literally die before admitting any flaw with their vehicle. Hell, they actually do die by driving into immovable objects because of Musk’s reality distortion field convincing them that their cars can drive themselves.

Westbook using what you quoted above to claim a significant chunk of NASCAR (I assume he’s referring to the org, teams, etc., since the fans wouldn’t have had garage access) wishes this on Bubba Wallace is a massive low blow.

Not sure it’s an over reaction. Bubba made news a week ago for prompting NASCAR to finally ban the Confederate Flag. Then they g to pull his car into a garage and there’s a noose.

Damn. Completely missed it.

This is absolutely 100% possible, but it is also 100% possible that someone tied this with any ill will.

I enjoy how this article keeps making the argument for racism anyway though.

Pure coincidence. Southern crackers tie all their knots like this out of habit.

If anyone starts comparing this to Jessie Smullet, get out. Now.

Re: Larson

If you go along with racism, then you’re a racist. There’s no grey area.
And Republicans have been going along with racists for decades ...

The fact that you seem to actually believe that the GOP is “the Bible represents,” despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, is the most interesting part of all this...

Died-in-the-wool, arch-conservative Republicans dont need to be racist to exist. Sometimes those folks let the party that the Bible represents be their compass as to who to vote for but just the thought that “all THOSE” people are exactly the PREjudice that we are trying to absolve. Judge people for their

Because what little boy hasn’t dreamed of someday owning a Mustang that he...doesn’t have to drive? (I say this as someone who was once a Mustang obsessed little boy)

Honestly, I like them better than The Trio, but mostly because Clarkson is such an enormous douchebag who thinks he can act like an idiot just because he has old man’s privilege. I’d watch a show with Hammond and May if they found a suitable third personality, but Clarkson was rightly fired and should’ve remained

Being Black is exhausting

Serious question:

Another fucking idiot that thinks the auto enthusiast community is Fast & Furious. 

It hit after I was through security and in the middle of a 5-hour delay. Delta wouldn’t let me swap flights without a doctor’s note lol, I covered my mouth with a bandana and bathed in overpriced hand sanitizer and hoped for the best