
How come every Model X I’ve ever seen has the spoiler manually deployed by the owner, even at low speeds?

Found the racist!

You realize that extreme poverty isn’t the only level of poverty, right? This chart would be WAY less meaningless if it showed all impoverished and near impoverished people. 

Jesus, how many times are you going to admit to being a callous idiot in this comment section?

So you admit to lacking basic reading comprehension and critical thinking by claiming you were only cherry picking one figure from the article, without context. Nice. I wouldn't expect someone like you to think hard about anything. 

No, you’re just a racist, weeaboo piece of shit who knows nothing about black people or the many forces that have wreaked havoc on black neighborhoods for decades.

What is your deal? Do you enjoy being this ignorant?

What the fuck are you even talking about, you ignorant sack of shit?

Idk, I like early C3's and late C4's about equally, maybe the early C3 a bit more.

Maybe you're just an asshole.

Wow, Poop has a crappy opinion. Go figure.


How the fuck are you lump Ben Carson with those two? Ben Carson’s shortcomings have nothing to do with his STEM background and everything to with the fact that he’s a self loathing right-wing lunatic who has a painting of himself and Jesus.

I just looked up your profile. Amost all of your comments are asinine and immensely stupid. Please go away.

Ah. I’ll allow it.

Y u no hatch??!!!?!

I don’t know. Most Audis have similar proportions due to FWD based platforms and it doesn’t seem to be hurting them.

You’re not very smart.

Half-Life 44 confirmed.

This comment really needs more likes.