
 Found the Elon stan.

Sure, but the slow movement of the earth along fault lines also tends to crack concrete and asphalt.

Yup, LA is well known for having stable ground. It’s not like there are dozens of active fault lines there. . . .


Us: We want the new 3cyl Fiesta ST

Subways are electric. They still have issues. If a car queued by a computer or not, breaks down or has some other issue, it’s still stuck in a tunnel fowling everything up. Are there supposed to be multiple exits and entrances for these vehicles in the tunnels? In that case, it’s just and underground highway system

You realize subways are electric, right? You also realize one train can move HUNDREDS of people at once, right? Breakdowns are due to deferred maintenance, not because the concept is flawed.

You realize that subways are electric right?

The subway is electric and breaks all the time. Being electric doesn’t mean it’s reliable at all.

But reinforces the stereotype of the Tesla owner as a fanatic devotee of the technology.

I’d be there with you buttttttt - she knew she didn’t wanna go and had to have known she was unqualified, but she has been enjoying the spoils of everything that came with this deception, including these sponsorships that came with it. If I had gotten into a school I had no business being in, I would have kept my head

I doubt that you even know what socialism is. Please don’t try and share your (lack of) expertise with us.

“ This is socialism”

We already have it, piecemeal. The only thing special about China’s system is how integrated it is.

We have:
Credit bureaus which more or less determine where you can live and under what circumstances, impede or possibly outright block your access to what is functionally the only transportation system in many cities,

You raise a good point. Here we have mass incarceration for profit. So we hardly have a model justice system ourselves.

America has more people in prisons than China. Last I checked, they’re not allowed to fly, either.

If you believe China is Socialist (or Communist), then I wonder which books you’ve read.

No you don’t.

You are completely full of shit and just want attention and fake internet points.  Happy now?

The classic “blame the millennials” argument...