
This loss hurts so much. I really didn’t participate in car anything until finding FinalGear in college. I was dealing with some pretty severe depression at the time (as tends to happen), but through other forum members, I got involved in autocross, found a track to routinely troll in whatever I could find, and then

I’m sorry, when was the last time black people were allowed to surrender peacefully to the authorities? Actually, a better question would be when was the last time a black man was allowed to surrender peacefully AND without injury?

Why is Burneko pissed about America allowing people to surrender peacefully to the authorities? Do we really need to send SWAT to take down a man in his late 70s cause he got some handjobs?

Yeah, but maybe it’s like Prohibition or something. Make it legal, and the vast majority of people will buy the legal option, not the shady 20% off version.

Of course, legalizing and regulating sex work would all but eliminate the trafficking aspect. These “stings” and crackdowns are no different than drug war raids, they get a flashy press conference, maybe a big name or two, and they change absolutely nothing.

Properly speaking, this is none of the league office’s business at this point

If one is a billionaire, wouldn’t one get a top floor suite in Vegas and order an escort to his (or her) room through a legal, reputable and secure source? A service that is known to the highest elites. This is so strange. It’s no wonder Kraft and Trump are similar. They don’t know how to do anything properly and they

Co-signed. I was under the impression that ALL strip mall massage parlors are fronts for trafficking and prostitution. 

Impressive list of complaints from people who saw a “spa” in a strip mall and thought, “Yeah, that checks off all the boxes, I’m in.”

Still not reliable as a Chevy.*

I know T. Jon ( we worked at the same company for a short time) so I’m not going to argue with him, especially since his explanation is accurate. But there is another reason.

Ok Karen go walk on the linoleum floors you installed on top of hardwood flooring in your house. 

“It’s the name of a player!”
“Ok, why have you been shouting it since the 70s, though?”

Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans Administration, and SNAP be damned.

List of things that right wingers have decried as ‘Socialism’:

America already has a ton of socialist policies you dumb fuck. 

America will not become a Socialist country.

Fire fighting service be damned.
