
“six-month live-in gig for which she would be paid $350 a day”

Speaking as a current Infiniti salesperson, we even feel like the brand is pointless. The only way we can sell new ones is by absolutely giving them away, and even then it’s an absolute fight to keep people from buying an obviously better Lexus, Acura, or Volvo. The brand itself also does a horrible job of trying to

Nah, the most obnoxious people on the internet are the ones who have nothing to add to the discussion but do do so anyway. You know, like DC fans popping into an Avengers article to bitch about how many Avengers articles there are, or some rando using outdated stand up comedy bits to bitch about the website they could

This is like distributing code that you KNOW could be used for nefarious purposes to everyone, and then saying “now don’t be misbehaved!”

I can award you one of my cars, but I assure you it would not be positive. 

All I can say is good. Anyone who rolls coal, or enables the ability to roll coal, should be thrown in jail or fined into bankruptcy.

I once attended a speaking engagement for Andrew Breitbart, may he rest in hell. I was seated at the table with the producers of Atlas Shrugged and it was all I could do to maintain a straight face listening to how proud they were of their stupid little movie, particularly the action sequences - because these men are

“you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to bash that movie haven’t you. “ 

Seriously.  It’s insane the amount of man-children that can’t understand that you can totally like something while also remaining critical of it.


New York City has very real issues with policing and there are very definitely human rights abuses going on in Riker’s, alongside a not-insignificant number of people whose cases have never even gone to trial and who ended up there up in the first place on minor non-violent offenses, which will result in it being

Women are not politics and in game generals who are women are certainly not politics. The politics were brought up by the customer. Also Nike showed that there might be short term repercussions but that the long term benefit of being inclusive and looking beyond just white men as customers is not the future but the

“what are some examples of said series going “broke”?”

It's not politics, it's people being shitty towards women with think veiled arguments. Women are underrepresented in games and it hurts nothing to have them as generals. 

Richard Spencer said it himself. He doesn’t care about free speech, he cares about the tolerance of his ideas until he has enough power to silence his opposition.

Get Woke, Go Broke.

Considering, for example, the mere existence of gay people in games has some people crying “political!”, I don’t think those people are being reasonable.

I read the book a while back and thought it was a Christ analogy.

just last week, at the red carpet for Night School, Tiffany Haddish said that Kevin Hart dressed like Bagger Vance...damn Tiff.