
You can, but being too rigid to the point that removing even a crucifix on the wall of a character’s home (something that is incredibly common to see, and wouldn’t even get noticed for the most part) means they are going to be the type to interfere to the point of absurdity.  

NBC and the other broadcast networks are largely handcuffed by the FCC, or more accurately right wing groups that lobby and lodge complaints whenever anything they don’t like gets shown, thanks to their licenses that grant them ability to transmit over the air free to anyone with an antenna.

Also, I think fumbling the launch of a streaming service will be much worse for Apple’s sterling reputation than “drawn guns” or somebody’s butt.

Or they could learn to delegate. Tim Cook’s tastes are not everyone’s tastes. Rich tech guys (and other business leaders, obviously) constantly make the mistake that because they are good at one part of the business, they should micromanage everything. 

I think you mean “as a steelers fan, I wish my QB didn’t do such Scumbag things”.

Your orgasm is in another castle.”

Everything probably feels huge when held in his tiny hands.

You and your non-existent husband can fuck right off.

You're the exact stereotype, lol.

Boys were callously murdered, not men. 13-year old Virgil Lamar Ware was shot and killed in addition to 16-year old James Robinson. Both boys were murdered for throwing rocks “allegedly” at pieces of shit who were taunting them after a CHURCH was bombed because nothing is sacred when wypipo are involved.

Did you even read my work, dude? Heck, one of my pieces is even linked here. Goodness knows, I made some very fragile men on the internet very angry (and still do, when given the chance). It’s not like I’ve gone all that far given that I’m still a freelancer here, but I’d say the motorsport coverage is in very capable

Did you accidentally land here from Breitbart, 4 chan, or the red pill section of Reddit?

It's creepy either way, friend.  Let's not be asking teenagers to sign body parts

... and there it is. Any time there’s an article even tangentially discussing any minority whatsoever, some blockhead has to make the boilerplate “Shouldn’t this be on Jezebel?” comment.

If you think this was pushing white people away, as your fellow white person I would just like to say, quit making everything about you and your white feelings and maybe, just maybe, you could someday be an actual ally.

Willful ignorance is a powerful thing! You wear it well...

I don’t need to see your face to know that it’s fucking ugly.

How strange that people might just not enjoy being treated like shit, marginalized or forced to listen to every fucking idiot who’s opinion of jokes is hammering on someone....Social Justice isn’t taking over anything...Fucking people with brains are finally sick of brain dead morons who think stupid shit is funny or

Because hard tops are heavy, complicated, take up a ton of space, and have no place on any kind of car with sporting pretensions?