
So if you were driving with your wife and baby, and bumped a motorcycle that brake checked you, you wouldn't feel the need to flee when surrounded by dozens of aggressive bikers?

If the RR driver reasonably believed himself and his family to be in danger - and let's face it, being surrounded by 100 bikers kicking your vehicle is likely to qualify - then I'd say he's right to extract himself from the situation post-haste. I doubt any charges will be pending for him. On a jury trial, he gets

More like: Sorry Mr. Meezee, you're about to fuck up many people's life because of your stupidity.

From the Foxnews article:

Hey Meezee. If you don't want to get run over, don't park yourself on your bike in front of an SUV on a highway as your "buddies" surround it making threatening gesutres to a man with his wife and young child present.

Sorry, Mr. Meezee, this guy here is about to get your life fucked up with his douchebaggery.

Nope. Still think the Rangie guy is on the right.

well in a way it makes sense. if you look back at pop culture through the 70s, 80s, and 90s, especially with the explosion of hip hop essentially taking over pop culture to a large extent on a global scale, caddies used to be the gold standard of luxury american automobiles - it brings to mind "diamond in the back"


Doesn't matter, Seb wins.

Florida as well.

Precedent. Wining over a tough lobbyist state such as Texas, would be noticed by legislatures and courts outside of the lone star state. If Musk had sharpened his claws in Texas and won, He could easily make the same case in other states, or make a stronger case at the federal level.

Nothing comes out when he moves his lips, just a bunch of gibberish.

Out of control? Watch every exit from every pitstop from every driver, the rears are always spinning. This isn't a Camry leaving from a gas station. I would doubt it if it was even possible to start off without some wheelspin, especially with cold, new slicks on concrete.

He pretty much nailed that Target though, didn't he?

I don't see the ominous door handles in Alcott's shot.

Hey CNN, why were those reporters' names on a story they didn't write?

I was trying to find some way to defend Rota, but I am having a tough time because it isnt 2001 and I dont drive a civic.

It would be funny if they were actually built better than the original rotas