

The world doesn't revolve around you.

He's due for a sex tape. With a dude.

Mission Impossible 5: Make Tom Cruise Relevant

Passes the time

This is the second time today I've used a Dale Gribble picture in reply.

Speculation time.

It is an interesting quirk of the English language that "near miss" and "nearly miss" mean opposite things.

You don't buy an Aston Martin for the speed. You buy one to be the classiest motherfucker around.


Can confirm, ex drives one.

READ MORE, DAMMIT. Read more stuff or I'm totally going to shoot. I can FEEL it.

I know, right? I hate it when Torchinsky comes around and holds a gun to my head and makes me read stuff I don't want to. When I close my eyes, he has Orlove come over here and pry them open. Totally sucks.

Also, what's FOLKING mean? Or FEEK? And FASKING?

No, BIG news day for fake cars.

I was going for a sort of silhouette thing!

Cops: Get out of the tree

Water you talking about? It looks eau-k to me.

Now playing

Here's a link to a video from the same event two years ago, car spins at night and car stalls/gets wheelspin on the grass. No marshals anywhere. Next car comes flying through and drivers straight into him.