
OKay but what about that amazing drive up the field Navy had to hit that game covering field goal to win me 20 bucks?

The challenger consulted an official, who reset the board, because not even chess could be that stuffy about such a meaningless goof”

As long as the demons put him in chains and drag him to hell who cares

No seriously can this demented racist idiot just drop dead already

A Bruce Springsteen cover band was shamed into not preforming for trump

Needs more lesbians.

Because the schedule is long so the rest of the players tend to like to stick to a rhythm of playing nearly everyday. Playing the series games back to back tries to keep the rhythm.

Yeah but that only gets you to 3rd base

Sure. We ban fans all the time who break rules from doing so. You have the coach sit back in the arena and you have him/her come out when the match is over to celebrate if they want to be there. Grand slams are multi million dollar endeavors I think having the rule set up with no ambiguity and no controversy like this

Either allow coaching or just ban them from the play area. Take this grey area or area where it can be only selectively enforced out of it and let’s move on.

He's extrapolating over the life of the 10 year deal

Yes and like I said a Yankees world series win is just as bad if not worse. Fucking hell

He said the Yankees (the one team the A’s rolled over for) were the only team taht could beat them

I wish Pence and Trump would shoot themselves and die already.

This post presupposes that a Yankee series win wouldn’t be as obnoxious. Which I respond with a giant fuck off

The saddest one being when Rowling revealed Harry Potter later in life changed his name and feuded with that Bailey Savings and Loan

They’re all good beers Brent

I hope he is every week cause its the Packers fault we got this rule.

I was a drunk typing typo Jesus people don't act like I used embiggins instead

Fuck off that was a perfectly cormulent sentence