
Take the 3 away and the Vikings play the 2nd half differently. Fallacy of the predetermined outcome. Look it up

Me? No, either wasn’t a penalty. But that halftime penalty means the 2nd half plays different

No... they were both should have been legal hits

Ahhh.... the Vikings got called on that same penalty to allow the Packers to score a field goal before the 1st half you fucking hack

Jeff was trying to let Paula down easy because he was in love with Poo. You’d think the set up was Paula was the person in the silhouette but nope.

Clearly you've never watched the Hebrew National League

Monks also get hit with sledgehammers in the gut. I can’t do it and I don’t want to. Same with that shot.

You loved to watch paint dry? You poor deprived child

Golf is a bore. If I wanted to enjoy life why make me miserable playing golf? To appreciate when I’m not playing golf?

No its boring fucks whispering about boring shit no matter who is doing it

Yes I know because I cut through all the bullshit to say golf sucks

No its for rich assholes, old assholes and wanna be rich assholes. ITs a waste of space and in this class warfare its the first thing I’d burn down. 

Golf sucks

Of course this reminds me of what Ichiro said about Cleveland.

Ironically I used a 5 dollar off books code to buy a Pablo Neruda biography.

I for one welcome back Ellsworth (as long as we stop with the weird BDSM dog shit) but the ending made Asuka look dumb. Either have Ellsworth actually try to run interference to distract Asuka or do that shit quicker.

The guy down the street and the hypothetical office lady also think golf sucks because they aren’t old white guys, rich bastards or rich wannabe fucks. Golf sucks. Its the thing of rich people and fuck rich people and people who enable them with their land wasting boring ass golf

Golf in general sucks so I fail to see the difference.

Test with less steroids is more like it

Its almost like they are sociopaths who hate animals. *Insert Bald Eagle gif.