
I would add that the new system of being approved for O-Deck is actually much more beneficial to people like this who don't want to write stuff that nobody will read. Now, if you have a blog that nobody sees but you tag a post with #observationdeck, you can at least feel like there's a decent chance that one of the

Hard to see how anyone who won't be academic can possibly have any idea about big nerd-issues at all.

I have a question about O-Deck (and posting on Kinja in general). What are the rules for posting images, as it pertains to swiping from other sources? Can you just toss up anything from a Google image search as long as you're not one of the official Kinja authors? If not, how do you know what images scattered about

Nope, I was on the wrong end of the shitty treatment. But, I grew up. I stepped back and can see things for what they were.

No actual arguments then? Didn't think so.

Until then, stop claiming to be a special minority because of what you purchase.

Nope. consumers. We are identified by what we buy.

No "eschew" "bless you?" Okay.

I think jumpsuits and spandex will be eschewed so that the show is taken seriously.

Somehow I imagine they would be dressed like regular people...

"Nerds" are not some sort of race or social minority. They are a type of consumer.

God, can we just retire that stupid cliché of "absolute genius but has no common sense" already?

...and the writers just threw reality out the window.

That's one way of looking at it. Another way is that it made seven hundred million dollars.

I'm not interested in Spider-Man being in the MCU unless he's rebooted (because the version we have now is not a hero), but who wants to see him rebooted so soon? I sure don't, and Sony would never go for that anyway. So I guess what it boils down to is, I don't want to see Spider-Man in the MCU.

My opinion is, it doesn't matter if one of those people has a telepathic link to Kevin Feige himself, or a bug in the Marvel offices. Even if one of them is 100% accurate to what is in the works right now, everything can change until and even during the time when Avengers 3 is being filmed. If the plan is for

Hey, I can do that too. Henry Cavill almost played Superman. Zing!

From everything I've heard about the Captain America casting, it sounds like they wanted Chris Evans early on but he was balking at taking on another superhero role because he hates the Fantastic Four movies.

Oh, I really hate you right now for getting my hopes up, just with the title alone. Of course, if Fox did do an X-Men TV show, there's at least a 98% chance I'd absolutely hate the costumes, and as you say, they'd probably use a bunch of obscure characters to avoid stepping on the movies' toes...

Not to mention that Selvig wasn't bad at all in Thors 1 & 2, and there was also Jane Foster, another scientist who wasn't bad at all. And, as you tacitly indicated with your comment about Steve Rogers, Dr. Erskine was another heroic scientist, in addition to Bruce Banner (who does occasionally turn into a monster,