
Pedantically speaking, you kinda did. You didn't say he was a watcher, you said he was the Watcher, which is the common title for Uatu.

Anyway, that was a bit of a rant, but thanks for responding so reasonably to my comment. It's nice when we can have a discussion about this sort of thing, rather than an argument.

If you didn't mean it seriously, just assume I wasn't talking to you, and was instead directing my comment to the far-too-many jackholes who really do express such sentiments seriously. :)

Ah, you were talking about Kevin Smith. When you said "he" talked some smack about Jack, I couldn't trace back who was the "he" you were referring to. (I blame Kinja.)

I care that nonsense like this becomes clickbait for the website. That's not hypocritical, Brickens girlfriend.

I'm not sure what misfortunes Stan Lee ever encountered that I would be getting pleasure from, but, um, ok.

I thought he was playing the role of Funky Flashman, or is that just in real life?

Who fucking cares?

The thing is, Stan Lee's character wouldn't want you to know he's the watcher. In which case, he'd do everything you described.

That was a bummer as he has talked some smack about Jack.

I was really hoping there'd be something in Captain America. A poster, a trading card, something with legitimate Jack Kirby art.

Stan Lee actually did some mo-cap for his Amazon preorder-exclusive playable character in the Amazing Spider-Man game (unless he was joking about that), but I doubt they would've done a detailed enough facial capture to put into live action.

Stan Lee doesn't have a big head? Obviously you've never heard him talk about himself, True Believer... ;)

On a few occasions? If you know anything about The Watcher you know interfering is pretty much a given. Stan can totally be The Watcher.

Sorry, bad news. The Watcher is a character that premiered in the Fantastic Four comics, so he falls under the whole property with Silver Surfer, Galactus, and the Skrulls.

Though, of course, he'd only be the Watcher i the MCU movies should he actually be, but since I doubt they'd ever reveal him as the Watcher because of that, it will always just be a fan theory that can be neither right nor wrong (until they actually put the actual Watcher in the movieverse)

Unless there's still some unannounced film which could introduce more potential candidates, which is likely. The good news there is that everyone expects those to be Black Panther and Captain Marvel, which would each bring an additional type of person to the mix that it's always nice to have more of.

Awesome response, thanks for taking the time to write it!

Yeah but a LOT of TV actors who can tell you going into movies isn't that easy.

One of these films needs a lead actor who isn't white. End of story. All other blathering and excuses are meaningless.