You can't be tolerant of everything, but if you're not tolerant of something (like disbelief in evolution) purely because you disagree with it, then how is "tolerance" any different from "agreement?"
You can't be tolerant of everything, but if you're not tolerant of something (like disbelief in evolution) purely because you disagree with it, then how is "tolerance" any different from "agreement?"
Question: How can a black guy like me be tolerant of the KKK?
Good is in quotation marks, there. I don't agree with Williams in everything he obviously considers a good moral choice.
People want to believe evolution is a lie or that the eart is flat? Fine, believe it. But that belief extends only as far as your nose, and attempting to push harmful, baseless fantasy as fact onto others is like dumping oil in our drinking water: toxic to everyone and counter to and intelligent sustainable society.
It was certainly my intention to indicate that it was.
Okay, what part of my comments makes me entitled? Contrary to some other statements here, I never presumed any woman owed me anything; I just wanted to have a chance, like anyone else would. What's entitled about that?
If you think the friendzone is a thing that actually exists, you need to gtfo, now.
Let's focus on that last part you put in brackets, okay? And that first part? Go share that with a bunch of dudes somewhere and use it to rile them up about taking on entitled douchebag misogynists, kay? That's where it belongs.
Okay, sure, but you're not criticizing specific people, it appears that you're making blanket statements that girls handle rejection one way (healthily), and guys handle it another way (unhealthily).
You lack self-awareness.
Aaaand now that you're just barreling through the thread, whining defensively at commenters who were trying to engage you in good faith,
I know right? None of these guys can put themselves in the position of a female who deals with sexual rejection. Know why? because we suck it up and deal with a modicum of self-respect, and they can't.
Maybe I did misinterpret, but I don't think that your hurt or rejection is any more than that of women who are frustrated in the same way.
Yeah, he's a gentleman, but he's also funny, intelligent, and passionate about multiple interests.
Your problem is with those other men, the ones who harass us. You really want to be "one of the good ones"? Call that cr*p out the next time you see one of them pull it.
If you were smart, you'd take my opinion on board because I'm pretty successful at relationships and I kinda have an insight into how a lot of women think, seeing as I am one.
I'm pretty sure you misunderstood me. I wasn't saying I should be upset because they owe me something, what I was saying was that people here use "they don't owe you anything" as a reason that guys like me shouldn't be hurt or surprised by rejection. I never said (or thought) they owed me anything, that was just an…
The part where I'm getting confused about your story is that it doesn't seem like you've fallen for a close friend. It seems like you really want a girlfriend/companionship and are befriending women on that premise. Women are smart enough to pick up on this. I've been on the receiving end of this and it's a sure-fire…
I'm sorry I implied that you felt "owed" - when I said "women don't owe you a chance" I meant "general you", not you personally.