Thisss. A lot of guys won't take "no" for an answer. They think you're just playing hard to get, or that if they keep pushing we'll eventually find their persistence sexy and say yes.
Thisss. A lot of guys won't take "no" for an answer. They think you're just playing hard to get, or that if they keep pushing we'll eventually find their persistence sexy and say yes.
I don't think you're evil, I think you are utterly fucking pathetic.
But stop thinking they're not attracted to you because you're nice; that's creepy and gross.
I don't buy this, mainly because I have never dated assholes or "bad boys" and neither have the vast majority of my friends.
I'm being purposely harsh because you need a giant kick in the ass.
I got news for you, dude. They are not refusing to date you because you're "too nice."
Can we actually just stop using that childish term? It's called, friendship, not "friendzone". (Isn't friendzone what they called the crusty disease infested jungle-gyms they used to have at McDonald's?)
Women do not "automatically friend zone" someone for being nice and deliberately choose to date assholes unless they are carrying some very heavy psychological baggage.
I'm sorry that you feel lonely, but women don't owe you a chance, no matter how much you think they should.
At least Magneto isn't listing an ENTIRE FUCKING SPORTS STADIUM and using it to encircle the White House. Oh wait. Well damn, what are the odds.
Meanwhile, Mystique has been around the world and she-she-she can't stop freeing mutants from persecution. As seen in several trailers, she saves Havok, Toad, Ink and someone I want to believe is Spike from X-Statix from being mailed to Tyrion Lannister for experimentation, and discovers most of the cool mutants from…
And so sexy Beast, sexy Professor X and sexy Wolverine head off to the Pentagon to bust out sexy Magneto, stopping along the way to pick up goofy Quicksilver — the best thing about this movie. Turns out Mags has spent the past ten years in a concrete pit for assassinating Kennedy. Despite being confined in a cell with…
That same serum somehow allows Professor X to walk, though when he's on it his powers are also suppressed. Having suffered so much loss in X-Men: First Class, Xavier decides he'd rather be a walking junkie than a rolling telepath.
Since the process would tear apart the traveler's mind they send Wolverine, who never had much of a mind to begin with. Logan falls asleep, and wakes up in the past. Naked.
I'm a woman in my early 30s and at least half of my best buddies from adolescence, high school and my 20's are men raised to respect women, and are therefore immensely respected by women.
That's a very good point, and I'd even take it one step further. When a guy who is actually a gentleman (or at least fairly decent and polite) tries to approach a girl, she has her guard up now because of douchebag chauvinists like the guys described here. Not to say that a nice guy being rejected by girls is the…
I think the title is self-evident, because all reality shows suck.
I know, I know; we're all tired of the damnable cronut by now. You're tired of hearing about it, I'm tired of hearing about it, your grandmother who only watches Brian Williams ("he seems like such a nice young man!") is tired of hearing about it.
I wish him the best, I hope it brought him five years worth of enjoyment, but somehow I doubt it.
My favorite part of the game is the fact that you can unlock a high-quality skin of the classic costume (both classic costumes, actually), so you can have the look of the comics with the voice of Hugh Jackman.