Rooftop Juche

It’s just marketing speak, most sensible people will understand the hyperbole. The biggest issue is preorder bonuses in the gaming industry in general. Disgusting tactic

Id like the option to play as either Male OR female. Its a small request. But if we really are supposedly all about inclusivity it works both ways, right?

Lies and marketing garbage.

And how is an open-world game with stealth mechanics “totally different from what we [Ubisoft] have done in the past"? Not that I'm complaining about a glut of such games. I'm just tired of the hype bullshit.

Not enough

fuck off no one cares.

Have fun trying to rid the internet of your image. That’s kinda not how the internet works. Very little sympathy for this situation, but he needs help.

This is a bit, right? Just a way to drum up more views, like with his cheating videos. It’s all a big nothingburger to increase popularity and name recognition. He’s putting the mask back on because it was his thing and when he changed his thing he lost views. Like when Coke made New Coke awful so that they could

If someone calls you ugly, ignore them.

LOLOL. I have no tears for this schmuck. He spent years building up mystique with that mask, especially with the many teen girls that drew so much bishie art of him (as well as some very disturbing Rule 34 art). Then he made his face reveal into some huge event that he tried to rope some e-celebs into.

It’s no one’s

I love animals. Dogs are great. Yet I don’t understand the weird passion people have for their own dogs, thinking that everyone must love them like they do. Why would you take your dog to the park and let it run free? Not everyone likes dog! Even a friendly dog, running a speed toward someone just to give a friendly

No, could you explain?

Another win for at-will employment and the de-protection of labor. Love it.

How is this any different than applying some critical thinking when reading human-written propaganda pieces?

Meanwhile, the (comically named) defense sector has seen tens to hundreds of billions of dollars of overrun in the JSF program (for a truly sub-par plane) and, more notably, the spectacular failure of that stealth destroyer program for the US Navy.

I can’t wait to see how they integrate him into the Arrow-verse

Not defending the show, but there are hundreds of stories about perfect people being perfect and changing the world.

Hell that’s what Paddington is about, if you think about it.

Paddington is Jesus.

Team 110.4 million views and counting.

I’ve been listening to too much about how fucked up the law is lately and... well, non-compete clauses suck. And while a lot of bad has already happened from allowing this man to open his mouth, I think more good can happen from non-compete clauses everywhere becoming an illegal infringement on free speech. Carlson is

Yeah I hate Carlson but non-compete clauses suck and your ex-employer shouldn’t be able to keep you from working