Rooftop Juche

I can’t do a before after slide back and forth because the ridiculously large banner at the top of the page keeps pushing these infuriating slideshow images down. FFS does anyone put out a good product these days?!?

literally this

Exactly. The reason it’s “bad” that “so many” jedi survived the purge is not because it makes Yoda a liar. It’s because it’s BAD STORYTELLING. Luke is important because he was the last hope of the jedi. There were no more. Ben and Yoda couldn’t beat Darth Vader, or the Emperor. But this LAST HOPE could be not only

The Biden administration was briefed 3 months before it exploded? Get out of town.

Anyone with half a brain could have suspected this. Severing that pipeline only hurts Putin, it wouldn’t have served any purpose furthering his offensive if he actually did it to himself.

People can believe what they want but this seems like a stretch. 

Look, Im gunna be THAT PERSON here... Let’s take off the social media conspiracy hat off and look at Gwen. Those have always been her colors since day 1 in the comics and she’s a superhero with a hidden alt identity. Why does that make her automatically trans? Miles colors in the movie was red/pink and blue/purple,

Add to it that a solid half of the trans people I know have that haircut. Not a giant sample size but hey.

Much love to the trans community but this ain’t it.

If you’re going to compare this to real life, do you know a lot of NYC cops like Miles’ dad who openly cooperate with vigilantes? I don’t think any of this is persuasive, but YMMV.

Gwen’s voice actor was a cis woman. There’s no way she’s Trans, because they know the outrage would be non-zero from activist groups (understandably).

Talk about grasping at straws XD does everyone had to be something these days? Why does someone's sexualtity matter so much to you? They are FICTIONAL, stop looking for deeper meanings XD

As a CIS white guy I always worry about venturing into this kind of discussion and I haven’t seen the movie yet (Monday!). But the evidence above seems pretty unpersuasive and it’s not hinted at anywhere else in her character. Having to hide half your life from your loved ones is a recurring theme of Spider-man (and


Good riddance. 

Nah, he wasn’t out. I like dunking on him as much as anybody, but he never went limp. I was expecting his guard to start slipping or another sign. Nothing from this angle indicates he had even a brief period of unconsciousness.

I already have a facial computer.

Source: trust me bro

They’ll still sell out; there’s a lot more people for whom $3,500 is a chump change than there are units Apple is manufacturing.