Rooftop Juche

This is fun stuff. Reminds me that the Wrestling games in the early aughts had this feature and my friends and I would spend hours making characters. Making historical figures was the best, nothing like seeing Stalin choke slam Lincoln

Don’t you remember what happened at the end of the matrix, neo let himself succumb to agent smith. The last matrix wasn’t very good because neo was a slave to the system, they should have brought back the guys who directed the first ones.

it makes no sense anyway, they produced these shows, put them on their service and remove them later how is that a tax break suddenly? I literally don’t understand the logic

A giant corporation being handed taxpayer money for exercising self-censorship is egregiously anti-free speech, and particularly in a country like the US.

This kind of thing shouldn’t be legal. Like, sure, businesses “should” be able to write off loses (debatable, whatever), but this kind of thing is so incredibly and obviously anti-consumer, it should be specifically disallowed.

Sadly, this is what happens when studios and media companies are run by investor-minded Wall Street types, MBAs, hedge fund managers, etc. Big entertainment in the US has always been run by ambitious, greedy types, but I get the impression that many of those (especially in the formative years) actually liked or even lo

This already happened in Libya 2020

This article should be updated with the response from Catherine Morris on Instagram which ironically affirms the criticisms that the thought behind this event is entirely unfocused other than “men are bad”.

Who cares?

Gadsby is astonishingly untalented and painfully entitled to go with it. Her career simply wouldn’t exist were it not for how she categorizes herself and the idiots who lapped it up on sites like this and Twitter; desperate to kowtow to the most obvious trends and terrified that they would be labeled dinosaurs if they

Both Gadsby and Picasso are extremely overrated. Nanette was an hour-long, jokeless earbeating

the only funny thing about this them is that the only time anyone ever said it was funny was when they also wanted to drag dave chapelle and had no other way to conveniently virtue signal.

Keeping people divided, benefits the powerful.

the matrix had cool dudes and women in slick leather and cool sunglasses, but the real matrix has a bunch of gay and trans weirdos affirming each other’s stunted and perfect world views. It’s a place where you don’t have to be funny, you just have to agree with the crowd, where people who don’t exist in a space demand

As a stand up comedy addict, this lady isn’t funny. Not saying I don’t like her, or that I hate her content. She’s just not funny. Not an insult. Stephen Hawkins wasn’t that funny, either.

cant believe that the horse mask is still a thing

I assume you mean using knowledge from thier positions as elected officials to take advantage of stock trade.

Wish the US justice system had the balls to prosecute elected officials who do this shit regularly. 

What Gadsby did was give the audience permission—moral permission—to turn their backs on what challenged them, and to ennoble a preference for comfort and kitsch,” Farago writes of Nanette”

faze lol…who cares