Rooftop Juche

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“exterminate all gooners and fascism will vanish”

Welcome to the reddit cinematic universe

Dooku was correct

Just ban it all. Jerking off is not a civil right.

Which president exactly? Theres more than 2 that come to mind.

Boohoo. At least they dont have crackheads terrorizing pedestrians and mass shootings every day.

Time to re-legalize sharkfin soup.

Azealia Banks was right

It needs a seventh eye

Yeah but does this really matter when our entire government is privatized in everything but name?

Really not beating the nazi allegations with the ‘untermensch’ language

Reminder: The contents of the Nashville school shooter’s manifesto is still being suppressed from the public.

Monopolies should be nationalized and run as public utilities.


Not like organic intelligence is any better at driving.

“automation bad, busywork good”

AI isn’t the ethical problem here, it’s non-consensual pornographic themes.

Destruction in France might be disturbing, but so was the destruction of Libya. As an American, why does it deserve my special attention?