I glanced at this article today nd realized that I hadn’t seen anything Jalopnik in quite a while. the article reminded me why I generally ignore or block it. Total crap written by total crapheads trying to be cool.
I glanced at this article today nd realized that I hadn’t seen anything Jalopnik in quite a while. the article reminded me why I generally ignore or block it. Total crap written by total crapheads trying to be cool.
While I agree with many of your choices (not Subarus) I find the article to be as bad as most click bait publications. Not informative, entertaining or at all funny. It’s the 4th grade equivalent of pulling your pants down in class. Ha ha. Stop. My side.
Hate? Let me get this straight....if a conservative presents facts its called hate speech...but according to this site its OK to promote hate over a vehicle?
I don’t hate anyone for their vehicle choice. Seeing a certain car doesn’t raise my blood pressure or such. My only emotion about other drivers choice of cars is pity. I mean I really feel sorry for those people in spotless Rubicons or various sundry $70K+ Pickups.
love to see someone make statement from a position of moral superiority without grasping the concept of an apostrophe
Remember when this was actual an car enthusiast website...and not a bunch of crybabies whining all the time? Pepperidge farm remembers.
Holy crap jalopnik, I can barely see the content through all the pop up ads on a mobile device. I know you need ad revenue but this is one of the worst offending sites out there in my experience.
Every car Ive ever owned has had tinted windows. And I own a minivan and a truck. So fuck off.
Sure, no problem. How about I suggest it gets replaced with this instead?
What I want to see is a harmon quest like show where the guests play characters while playing the game and then they animate the events.
a Quaxly, Quaxwell, and Quaquavel serving various levels of cunt in the mirror throughout its life
I love a lot of female main characters, but it’s when they are done right.
Can you tell me the death toll among Uyghurs in China? Trying to see something.
I’d rather skip this. It’s a nobody we know or care about character. It’s just another new addon story to just target and develop new market out of extracting from the old and finished story at episode 6! It’s no more Lucas, it’s a free for all greedy piece to easily steal from now. Frankly, i never did or want to watc…
Sorry Rise, that day belongs to Dragon’s Dogma 2.
“chuds ”? “couldn’t bear the thought”? What are you trying to say? It’s not okay to hate, so now I’m just going to hate you for it?
Sarcasm: sad person that wants to be against you but have no actual arguments
I just hate that people needs to be represented on a game or anywhere, that takes so much out of what a writer o creator can and could do. We know a lot of this decision are market research and what’s “in” now.
Aside from Battlefront II, which features Iden Versio as its main protagonist (though there are missions where you play as Luke Skywalker or Han Solo); Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, an expansion for Dark Forces II that features Mara Jade as its star; and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter which has Adi Gallia as its…