Rooftop Juche

Maaaaybe not the right example there - because the French revolution ate itself, failed miserably, and resulted in emperor Napoleon (and also a briefly restored monarchy for the Bourbons, and more revolutions - and tons of deaths, and eventually took a different revolution to actually complete the thing...

No, they’re saying that the problems Germain has with the movie are not problems for them.

Oh thank goodness.

Just as a reminder, one of/TH largest lobby in Congress is owned and pretty much run by another country that helped push the Tiktok ban bill, so it’s pretty telling in itself, imo.  “Independence and egalitarian values” have gone out of the window in all major government institutions. The government doesn’t need to

Bill Gates and the CIA? What could go wrong?

I can empathize, because my plans to dig a tunnel to China are similarly way over budget and have passed almost every deadline I’ve set.

You’re right you clear don’t no better

Yeah, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think Biden had some money on the election, FOR THE OTHER GUY

Well there goes his next term. As much as I don’t care for Tik Tok, it’s minor to all the other atrocities that are way more important than this, and young voters will hone in on that. Get ready for Trump again guys!

“exterminate all gooners and fascism will vanish”

Except, it’s really not.

it’s not better for the civilians caught in the middle

Not for the civilians stuck in the middle where the war is taking place...

Not necessarily:

I hope you realise that “better for the people involved” is a: only going to be true for half the people involved, and b: only going to encourage leaders to start wars since there will be fewer inconvenient sad-boxes-with-flags-on showing up at their end.

Always relevant:

Always impressive how many dystopian movies are accepted by rich corporations as intriguing notions for product lines.

Sarcasm: sad person that wants to be against you but have no actual arguments

I just hate that people needs to be represented on a game or anywhere, that takes so much out of what a writer o creator can and could do. We know a lot of this decision are market research and what’s “in” now.

Aside from Battlefront II, which features Iden Versio as its main protagonist (though there are missions where you play as Luke Skywalker or Han Solo); Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, an expansion for Dark Forces II that features Mara Jade as its star; and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter which has Adi Gallia as its