The best players tell you beforehand what they’re going to do to you and they back it up. Curry is going to back it up. Westbrook will mean mug and lose.
Oh. is OKC mad? Oh. let them be mad because they won’t do a damn thing about it - per usual. Curry will stick it up their asses because OKC are fake tough guys who have never won a thing and never will. Russell Westbrook will try to do too much and they will lose. Their blueprint vs the actual elite teams in the…
What does a man named Albert listen to in 2016? Taylor Swift? Ariana Grande? Some shit-stick R&B artist who will be forgotten ten years from now? You don’t know music, Albert. Please, Kindly shut the fuck up.
Kobe Bryant rode the coattails of Shaq and even Pau Gasol to his championships. Kobe did his best to lose that series for the Lakers to the Celtics in 2010. It took Fisher and Ron Artest to bail his stank ass out. Most overrated player in the history of the NBA. It’s not even close.
I see smartphones have yet to make their way to Ecuador. Still pictures in 2016. Get it together, Ecuador!
Drew Magary’s youth soccer lowlight.
You have to respect the way Brady handled that tornado of a pass rush yesterday. The Pats came within a missed extra point of forcing overtime, when any other QB under that constant duress all game would have lost by 2+ TD’s at least. Sometimes Brady proves his worth more in losses than in wins. That O-line was a…
This works because Brady is Manning’s daddy.
Yeah, fuck you, Dale!
Lighten up, Francis.
Carmelo wrote the Foreword to that book.
As much as I hate everything about Philadelphia, what I hate more is that nobody can say a god damn thing about black people without it being a criminal offense. Take a fucking pill and relax. Nobody gives a good fuck about this. And if you do, you are one pathetic loser.
This website is “scuzzy” as well, but that doesn’t mean it should be shut down. Let freedom ring.
What is the agenda against DFS on this website? I routinely win $6 to $10 per night in tournaments. Is that a lot? No. But it’s better than nothing and makes an intolerable league like the NBA worth paying attention to. Why advocate less freedom in this society? Celebrating the shutdown of freedom piece by piece is…
Listen to the savage animals behind the glass hootin’ and hollerin’ at a man getting KO’d. Shameful society.
Matt Barnes is literally a walking billboard of self-loathing.
I love Boban’s enthusiasm. He really got up there to grab that rebound.
I can’t believe he drives a black jeep.