
Ironically Drew Magary resembles Peyton Manning, physically. That’s the price you pay, motherfuckah!

They don’t need hair extensions or face lifts. What they need is to just be replaced by Samantha Ponder.

I assume they are reading the middle of the shirt first after that game. Cam Newton is soft serve. He proved to the world that he is nothing but a prima dona who doesn’t like to get dirty. If you’re not going to dive on a ball to save your Super Bowl life, when are you ever going to fight for it. #noheart

People still listen to sports talk radio in 2016? That motherfuckin’ Larry has not left 1993.

Peyton never used that HGH. No, sir. Nothing to see here.

Or he’d just have to win as much as “Tawmmy.”

She didn’t request it, she practically begged for it.

She got a Gronking to remember later that night.

You told them

Sounds like a puff piece to me.

Don’t ever testi the patience of a man with red hair, freckles and eyes deader than a Great White.

When Wideman played for the Bruins, the home fans booed him every time he touched the puck because he was that soft of a player. Would literally let skaters go by him. I have never seen a softer player than Dennis Wideman, so seeing that he was suspended 20 games for a violent offense can only lead to one conclusion:

Miami takes this award by a unanimous decision. They should own all 5 of the top 5 spots.

Most Likely to be mistaken for a ventriloquist’s dummy:

I’m willing to bet $500 of Tom Ley’s money that even the shortest professional soccer player can touch rim on a regulation hoop.

You lose your right to request anything when you get knocked the fuck out in 13 seconds.

Just a hunch, but maybe because he’s not mentally stable?

“hey, this is me! I am the Chickenson”

Who were the two lucky guys?