Ron Mexico Will Pay for the Wall

This weekend I will do this.

I feel fortunate that I am old enough to have spent my formative years without “the internet,” but young enough (and nerdy enough) to understand and appreciate technology.

I starred this and left a comment.

To be fair, that pic was taken two whole years ago, when she was 46.

Oh wait.

Good ol’ Pennsyltucky.

*Minus any tax incentives.

Sometimes, rules are meant to be broken.
Other times, strict adherence to the rules -- say a comma in the right place -- can save you from the embarrassment of meaning to write one thing, and writing something else entirely.

Seriously? This is why we’re in the crisis we’re in now.

Pretty sure today’s kids will tell you everything they know about if you just ask them.

don’t have a cow, man

Note to the Inventory editors: please do a feature on eye bleach, STAT.

Maybe they should switch their allegiances to Clemson.

What if one is not wearing pants?

What if one is not wearing pants?

We’re all happy to play China’s game, he types on his iDevice.

I was unaware that he was still alive until just a few months ago. Lived to ninety-fucking-five. Isn’t that just the way of the world? The good die young, this asshole lives well into his nineties.

(3) He treats women like an 85 year old with white male privilege.

I genuinely don’t understand [the appeal of] Twitter, and I’m much younger.


I’m so glad I live in Oakland. Everyday is National Taco Day if you want it. And no one has to suffer the indignity of schlepping to Applebees to get your taco on.