E Warren might be.
Nudge nudge, wink wink.
E Warren might be.
Nudge nudge, wink wink.
I was joking.
With a gun to my head, I swear to god I’d be hard pressed to think of two bigger morons than right-wing smear merchants Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman
Look, I get that this site is starting to skew younger, and that the editors think it’s a winning strategy to alienate those of use over 40, but this headline is really just beneath you.
Born in 1943, he’s three years ahead of the Baby Boom.
But thanks for playing. Better luck next round.
Those that can, do.
Those that can’t write blog posts.
Or “they’re.”
I’m sure all the “Lewandowskis” who came over on the Mayflower would be so proud of their non-immigrant descendant wanting to keep the country pure (don’t even get me started on how Lewandowski is not an indigenous-sounding name, either).
My “reach” school was Penn.
My Dad was an alum; they still said hell no.
I remember hanging out in front of Wanamaker’s when they were filming this. I think it was this or dePalma’s Blow Out, or both. I can’t remember now.
Speak for yourself.
realOJ32 likes this.
You would eat food touched by him?
The president is acting like a raving lunatic.
It’s remarkable that he’s advanced so far based on nothing more than bigotry and connections.