Ron Mexico Will Pay for the Wall

Why bring up this stupid shit when it’s not at all relevant to the story?

Stars Wars hasn’t been “the same” for twenty years. Ever since Lucas got his grubby CGI hands all over it.

I’m thinking I might put that order of Portals for the whole family on hold now.

Now playing

Nice, but it’s important to see him in the proper context.



Brotha needs his black card revoked. And I ain’t talking American Express.

The first IKEA in this country was Plymouth Meeting, PA, right outside Philly.

I don’t kink-shame.

(apologies to the estates of both Fredo and John Cazale)

It all plays into the right’s narrative that The Libs are angry, insane and hypocritical.

That’s a lot of porn.

That’s a lot of porn.

It wasn’t a vim tutorial, just a flip comment to illustrate my frustration with so-called “social” media and its increasingly toxic effect on public discourse.

Wait ‘til you find out what we do to dead humans.

Wait ‘til somebody does this with Powerpoint.


My “kids” are in their twenties.

My “kids” are in their twenties.