Ron Mexico III

I was all about this game at release, but I’ve kind of meh’d away from it. I still have 1/3rd of the story to finish, which I eventually will, but at this point it already feels repetitive.

After the coming nuclear holocaust, all that will remain are roaches, Twinkies, and Tiger fanboys.


Two things:

So I’m clear on this, Schefter HAD to release JPP’s medical records because JOURNALISM, but that same standard didn’t require him to challenge Hardy’s bullshit answers in any way?

The headline says “Millenials”, but the picture says “Damn Near 40"

Popcorn is a delivery system for butter and salt. Period. Full stop. Knock it the fuck off.

Holy fucking handwringing Batman. It’s a video game, not some virtual morality lesson. Christ, when did this become standard copy for FUCKING VIDEO GAME REVIEWS? This is akin to complaining about the lack of moral lessons in The Rock. You’re getting the fucking vapors over here because a video game didn’t address the

As someone who has hundreds of hours into this game, I think the gap in content has cured my addiction. Thanks Bungie! My PSN account ran out in November, and I didn’t even realize it for months.

Goddammit that’s wonderful comment.

Commodore is a solid follow. As a Red Wings fan, he’s not on an island with his opinion of Babcock. There weren’t a lot of tears shed when he left.


I drive the stretch of highway these guys patrol every day, and it’s all 70 mph. Every single day, and I’m not exaggerating, there is someone going BELOW the speed limit in the far left lane.

It’s fucking adorable that everyone is so surprised that shit rolls downhill. Everyone has such a hard on to fine and raise taxes on large corporations, but do you know how they pay for these things? THEY PASS THE COST ON TO THE CONSUMER OR LOWER LABOR COSTS TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. It’s a fucking zero sum game at

The only people who seem to benefit from the “everyone needs a college degree or you’ll end up destitute” farce are debt servicers and employees of colleges.

Fuck you and your douche flute.

I picked up a copy for $40, and I still feel like it was a rip off. It’s gorgeous, but the gameplay was brutal.

They showed poor judgement. Who gets roped into a Devil’s threesome?

The best thing about this trade deadline has been Mike Commodore’s creation and constant use of #PackYourShit.

You’re a monster.