
If we don’t use it, then the 12-year-olds have won.

One of the details I really appreciated in Spider-Man 2 was that any time Ock picked up something super-heavy, two of his tentacles would be planted on the ground so his real legs wouldn’t get crushed or his body rip itself apart.

Universal’s biggest mistake was not making Abbot and Costello the Fury and Coulson of the DU.


Because that turned out so well the first time.

After the prequels, the Jedi Order seemed so Catholic-y to me. The focus on getting them young, grooming the kids, lots of rules about relationships. The sodomy and casual drug use perpetrated by high ranking officials.

A white kid who inherited his dad’s company, spent 15 years learning martial arts in the most brutal way possible and killed a dragon to gain its power.

^Put this guy back in the greys.

Sorry for a bunch of weirdos to question this story that you would have no reason to make up, and then switch to a weird-ass semantic argument about the term doxing. Some people are just assholes. Similar thing happened to me in my freshman year, it’s rough to see a teammate go through that.

The Motion Picture had a drastically different tone than The Original Series.

Spaghetti and milk is how I learned spaghetti.

Ohh... I hadn’t thought of that one. That is exactly who I want it to be now! :)

A book that I read called “The Ethical Slut” (book aboutpolyamory, sex politics, and such), one of the authors talked about how she gave her son waaaayyyyy too much information in his sex talk which she feels may have pushed back him wanting to lose his virginity a couple years.

Spaghetti and cottage cheese. It’s horrifyingly good.

I’ve seen entire essays written about Bobby’s queerness ~15 years ago. It’s not new, it’s not fresh, he’s always been on the list.

Mad Max : Fury Road

TV series? So, shorter than the movie?

The contrast on the team of everybody being these angsty teens, all with different powers or skills, but all of them being fragile and dangerous... and then there’s little-girl-princess Molly, with her goofy hat and her over-the-top excitability, the kid sister every teenager rolls their eyes at but still has this

In my opinion one of the main characteristics of Molly as a character is the contrast between the fact that she’s this adorable princess-obsessed little kid and the fact that she can bench-press a car and hand Wolverine his ass.