Damn. Have we finally found an internet video that actually might deserve that “Watch so-and-so COMPLETE EVISCERATE...” stupid click-bait headline?
Damn. Have we finally found an internet video that actually might deserve that “Watch so-and-so COMPLETE EVISCERATE...” stupid click-bait headline?
1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.
eh she’s a good candidate but needs to be in more stuff to really take the title, they also have to make her explicitly queer not this “she gave a look to an extra” bullshit
You must have really liked that vampire one.
Why would you need to adjust for the amount of police interactions, though, except of course to make the rate at which black people are killed by cops lower?
No, blacks are three times more likely to be shot by cops than whites. This is fairly common knowledge by know, so maybe you ought to stop trolling.
I believe the officer was quoted as saying “I swear, I thought he was black!”
No shit. If the cops are that jumpy they need to be in another line of work.
Traffic stops should not receive the death penalty.
Rav4 Hybrid: 41 city, 38 hwy, 40 combined
Surely there was a mature way to praise this piece without taking a shot at some of the other writers.
She may not have gotten much of the Archer humor, but she was absolutely terrific delivering her lines as Mallory—a tough-as-nails ex-spy/Parkiest of Park Avenue Upper East Side Karen.
I also love how in the Archer grand prix episode, she informed the maître d’, “This isn’t my first Grand Prix, you know.” That was one…
This is an article and website dedicated to pop culture ephemera. Labeling anything here "pointless" is pointless. Including this.
He isn’t saying that he created Bucky.
*sighs for 30 minutes straight*
The Alamo is closing locations? What a Crocket of shit!
Aliens vs. Sex Predators