
100% agree on Luke Cage.  I loved both seasons but the First season was amazing up until Cottonmouth died, then went downhill to just “Good”, but then season two was excellent all the way through.  It even showed that Iron Fist could work as long as he was working with Cage (which gave me hope for a “Heroes for Hire”

I like that idea. I also feel there are a ton of great actors who could use this kind of exposure that we haven’t heard of yet.

No matter what who ever gets this roll is going to be put under a microscope because of who they are replacing, and that might be why this will be put on the back burner for a while.

We were also suppose to get a live action historical movie staring Chadwick Boseman but his passing as put that project into limbo for the time being. 

And Interstella 5555 is a great Anime and deserves a lot more attention as a masterwork of visual storytelling.  

I am allergic to wheat and a pickle lover, this is something I have to try at some point but I don’t know where I can get a big enough pickle...

I think people also miss the other forms of revenue you can get out of YouTube like sponsor ships and patreon.

Roadkill has been sponsored by Dodge since forever, bring on a few more sponsors and I’m sure you can make up for lost YouTube revenue. I know that Patreon is more for smaller creators and if you have a very

Thanks! I’m about a year behind on my comics (yeah, crappy amount of free time the past couple of years) but this makes me excited to catch up on my X-Men.

I was thinking Ranch-E-ro.

If I could have any wish in the universe for any movie/series to be made, Deadpool vs. Hawkeye would be it. I love that mini series so damn much.

I can just see the scene with Kate and the Rocket Launcher/Bazooka playing in my head right now.

Add into that, when I see the Wade vs Negasonic Teenage Warhead scenes in DP

Yes, because companies don’t like to make money by basically selling the same movie twice with minimal work and investment.

100% agree. I think that they work as individuals, but as individuals we have seen these stories other places so it is hard to make them interesting.

After seeing the scenes with Danny and Luke in Defenders my main hope is that they hired him specifically because of the chemistry the two actors have together.

The Luke and Danny bromance is one of my favorite in comics and I really want to see that in the live action. “Heroes for Hire” (as well as the earlier Luke

The people underneath are actually part of the safety protocol, they are holding guide lines that keep the pane of glass from swinging as it is raised up to the roof, but they should be standing at a far enough away angle that if something does drop they are outside of the drop zone. As the crane goes up they should

Somehow I missed this question, sometime Kinja doesn’t like sending me notifications. :/

Anyway, to find this you need to use the formula Wattage=Voltage x Amps to get your answer. In this case you have 1200 watts s0 when you plug that in you get 1200=120 x amps, thankfully that is easy math. :)

So you need to handle 10

The reason for her refusal is pretty much the same for the Earthly cures. All of them take time and all of them are flushed from her system when she becomes Thor. That was the whole point of the book is she had to choose between helping people and helping herself and chose helping people all the way to the end.

So I have a question...

I think puppet Yoda in TPM was doomed to failure from the start. He was surrounded by CGI and just that fact alone would make him stand out like a sore thumb. CGI Yoda makes sense in a CGI movie, but the newest movies have a tangible feel the prequels didn’t have and Puppet Yoda fit right into that.

So did mine. I will admit that it is running a little smoother with it than 6 did, but my camera is still laggy as hell.

Yeah, I’m going to miss younger Molly, but I can understand why you can’t do younger kids on shows like this, they age to fast to look that young all through the series. This way she can stay a “Teen” for however long it goes like the rest of them.

You can always blame Luke Perry.