And Interstella 5555 is a great Anime and deserves a lot more attention as a masterwork of visual storytelling.
And Interstella 5555 is a great Anime and deserves a lot more attention as a masterwork of visual storytelling.
I am allergic to wheat and a pickle lover, this is something I have to try at some point but I don’t know where I can get a big enough pickle...
I think people also miss the other forms of revenue you can get out of YouTube like sponsor ships and patreon.
Roadkill has been sponsored by Dodge since forever, bring on a few more sponsors and I’m sure you can make up for lost YouTube revenue. I know that Patreon is more for smaller creators and if you have a very…
Thanks! I’m about a year behind on my comics (yeah, crappy amount of free time the past couple of years) but this makes me excited to catch up on my X-Men.
I was thinking Ranch-E-ro.
Somehow I missed this question, sometime Kinja doesn’t like sending me notifications. :/
Anyway, to find this you need to use the formula Wattage=Voltage x Amps to get your answer. In this case you have 1200 watts s0 when you plug that in you get 1200=120 x amps, thankfully that is easy math. :)
So you need to handle 10…
So did mine. I will admit that it is running a little smoother with it than 6 did, but my camera is still laggy as hell.
I was so damn disappointed when I heard my daughter’s school wasn’t doing anything for the Eclipse that I called her in today and her and I spent the day doing eclipse stuff. We got up, made pin hole cameras, walked outside and BAM cloud cover. I wasn’t to be deterred so we hopped into the car and started driving…
My wife is a birth assistant and a Doula which means she has had to help women complete a pregnancy with a child who has passed. A few times she has volunteered because other assistants just couldn’t handle it, and it is easy to see why.
I’m sorry you had to go thought this, you have probably been working so hard to get pregnant it can feel even worse when something like this happens. I’m a guy and even though I love being a dad and am just about as baby crazy as any other person on this Earth, I will never fully know what it is like to go through…
I just about completely agree with you here.
I always thought this was a joke from “3rd Rock From the Sun” but seeing it here worries me that someone may do this in real life as well.
We did the cloth diaper thing when the baby was, well, a baby, and when you do that you have to have a way to get the poop out of the diaper before putting it in the washer. In order to do that fairly cleanly one of the easiest ways is to install a sprayer on your toilet similar to what you have on a sink, a handle…
Well, remember Ohms formula, amp x volts = watts. So I assume you are talking 120v and if that is the case you are looking at 10 amps which is okay at 16 gauge at a really short distance with a short run time but should probably be 14 gauge if you are talking about a motor as they require more wattage/amperage when…
Dang it, I got all excited because the Daughter and I both love the Little Witch Academia stuff and was looking forward to watching the new episodes with her.
Yeah, I’m surprised they didn’t offer to let you change your e-mail either, that is what they suggested to me when the same thing happened.
In my personal opinion this is going to become more and more the norm as shows become exclusives to more and more specialized streaming services.
The combo I love that freaks out my wife is Spaghetti and a glass of milk.
Pallets are items that are loaded onto wooden pallets for shipment and usually you have to leave a deposit until return the pallets the items are shipped on. Bunks are items that are stacked and usually tied with strapping when shipped and are loaded that way, usually with 2x2s put under the strapping so you can get…
Back when I used to work for Home Depot we got this guy who showed up in his nice new Ford F-150 and asked us to load a bunk of drywall, so we loaded one up and thought that was it, then he asked us to load a second bunk. Now we knew that one was fine but was pushing the truck to the limit and a second would be a…