
For many people (I’d say at least about 74 million), there’s 12 of them.

And he almost does get over it all. It's only because Flagg sends Nadine to seduce the poor fucker that he cracks.

“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

People forget that Millenials were born from 81 to 96...

I so want to like this, but Kaley Cuoco is the blandest possible choice for Harley.  I could give a fuck about her being famous.  Give me someone with actual chops as a voice artist.  

Dammit I was drinking something. Come clean off my monitor.

I never got the complaints about the space walk thing. The Force is basically Space Magic, I see no reason why it can’t work that way.

What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be

But it was a very good sandwich. 

I keep hoping they take the current one back to that style.

I bet they watch everything ahead of time before showing it to him, just in case. haha So who knows what he sees.”

Twas a bad day to be orange. 

Gonna take a minute to start getting comments on this post because we’re all trying to figure out how to call that bar and buy a round for the house.

The H-platform LeBaron GTS with its 150hp turbo engine had a solid 50% more under the hood than the base E30 or E28 of the day, & other than being FWD (which most consumers preferred anyway) was mostly comparable to either series of BMW.

Uhh.... How is it not called "E-Camino"?!

Plus, how often do you see an actual terrarium fire? It’s not a realistic thing to worry about.

I think Skin Godzilla was interesting but I still cant’t take his googley eye stage in his metamorphosis seriously. 

Well, the Phoenix saga will now be responsible for killing two different X-Men trilogies! That’s impressive!

This is a deep OG Grover Golden Books reference, and as someone who read his original childhood version of this book to his daughter last night, respect.

"Has been pretty hot in the past"?