
The popularity is easy to see in my opinion. She is fun and funny while being completely different than any other character in comics. The comic doesn’t focus on Doreen beating everyone up, it focuses more on how she finds super creative ways to defeat her opponents and make friends with the oddest people.

Even porn stars need fluffers to keep it up, and they are professional woodmen.

I think there was a DP Gambit issue a couple of weeks ago, hold on I’ll check.

*Jeopardy theme plays* Do de do do do de do, do de do de doot de do do do do, do de do do do de do, do do do do do... do ... do doom doom

Last Deadpool vs Gambit came out August 3rd so you may have missed one.

Did you try reversing this a little? Why not cook at a lower temp (like 165 degrees) and then flash fry them in a very hot pan to finish them off?

I phrased it weird, I meant the Spidey/Deadpool team up book (am actually not super wild about the current Spider-Man books, they are okay but the villains have been lackluster), but Mercs for Money is pretty good to specifically, as you point out, because of the line up. The Standard Deadpool book is okay, but I miss

Yeah your right, I don’t know why I typed “Wildcat”, it reminds me don’t make comments when you are running out the door for work.

Yeah, Ant Man is also fun, I didn’t mean to imply those were the only books, they are just the ones most likely to stay out of the Civil War stuff for the most part. I’m finding Spiderman and Deadpool extremely amusing too but I know they are going to be buried in Civil War stuff at some point.

I would stick with the fun books like Squirrel Girl, Howard the Duck, Wildcat, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, and the Guardians books. Some of them are getting hit by Civil War (especially Wildcat with it’s tie in to She-Hulk, but that tie in is so well written you won’t mind), but not enough to really change the fact

I liked Barb’s character a lot. She is the geeky friend that gets left behind as the more “Marketable” friend moves up the social click ladder. This happened to pretty much every geek growing up and moving from middle school to high school. With that in mind I can completely understand why people liked her so much,

So did they kick out all vendors selling replica firearms or just this booth? Were there no other prop makers there selling firearm replicas?

Thankfully Marvel still has a bunch of fun titles, I just hope that they only have one or two issues that get sucked into this.

I’m still on the bubble but I’ll watch it because I love The Tick. There is just something missing from The Tick, like I just don’t feel he is as out there as other versions have been. Yeah he is saying all the right lines, but there was just something about the way they were written in the comics and portrayed in the

Also while Aldaraan was the first full power test, there is nothing that says they didn’t do partial power tests before hand (and logic says they would have). Half of the power of the Death Star would be enough to wipe out the population of a planet without blowing the whole planet up.

I personally believe that Deadpool has been cosplaying as Ryan Reynolds since 1976.

That is what I’m hoping for as well, but you know how the status quo is, it always sucks you back in. :D

If it was really a plan then not as many died as you may think. All three of the heroes picked up Stormtrooper blasters before the fight, what if they were all underpowed and couldn’t get through ST armor, just make it look good. This would make it more likely to just “Wound” a hero if they got hit and less likely to

As a person who has trained in a few different styles of sword based martial arts I can tell you that just isn’t true, while the weight of the blade is there, it is the positioning of the handle that tells you where the blade is really.

Of course this being Doom it could also be some supreme plan he is hatching to try and take everything over, because who better to rule than Doom?

That is one of the things I love about Doom, you can take his character in either direction.

Considering he is going to be the new Iron Man that is actually possible. I’ve like the way that they have been writing the character since Secret War and he could become a very white knight character from the base they made if they want to.