
This looks like it is made for kids around 5ish, parents don’t want their kids dragging toys around the house and then asking them to plug it in for them. This being a car chances are they will want to “Drive” it around at some point (just shoving it along the floor) and a cord would get in the way. My daughter does

You know, I can appreciate this philosophy from Netflix even if this is a feature I would prefer them to have.

It does kind of bother me that they are already filming season 2 of Daredevil and they haven’t even cast Iron Fist yet. I’m really looking forward to a “Heroes for Hire” story line with Luke Cage and Danny Rand.

Alright, I also agree the dog should go back to being a pet. :D

I agree with you just about 100% here. I would love to see the “Nova Family” continue after this summer.

They have been overlapping the “Last Days” comics at the start of “Secret Wars” so I don’t think they will have a problem with overlapping at the end too.

I’m glad to see someone else who is happy that Duggan is returning for Deadpool, I have a lot of friends who haven’t like his and Posehn’s run, I’ve felt like a minority.

No, I was responding to you because according to the blurb that was on the book that you sent me it was a book about how women have been lied to by being forced into a “Male sexual Mold” when it comes to sexual desire.

*edit* if you want a more direct response to the article itself move to the other edit point at the


*Sigh* And this is one of the biggest reasons I don’t normally talk about this issue that my wife and I have.

Crap! I have to catch up on that comic, it is ten tons of awesome and I’ve fallen behind.

I hadn’t heard that we are getting a different Night Nurse. I will say that Claire Temple is a completely different character in the Comics than the Night Nurse, and everyone has just assumed that they merged the two characters in Daredevil because Claire Temple filled in the roll that the Night Nurse typically did.

I was scanning the comments just to make sure this was here. Good show! (both you and the actual show.)

You, sir, know your poop. I like the cut of your jib.

To me another large factor is if the deflector sheilds in Star Wars have the same affect on transporters that shields do in Star Trek. If they do then transporters would only come into play during boarding, which is still a pretty massive addition to the

It’s okay, I missed it at first as well.

Yeah, this is a silly myth. Samurai would train with their swords constantly and they required them to draw them so their was never a prohibition on drawing them without causing physical injury.

That wouldn’t have bothered me if they had made Sue black as well. Now we have an adopted sibling sub story that never existed and that bothers me.

They Pack it way for later.

I don’t know, have you walked through any trans dimensional portals lately?

It says 9-11%, considering how much of a problem this is in our relationship she is more than willing to take that chance. If she has the side effects she stops taking it and we go back to the way it was, if she doesn’t and it doesn’t work same thing. If it does work, though, it will be a huge weight lifted off of