
Back in 1984 Ford made an LTD (not a full sized Crown Vic, but a smaller sedan that eventually evolved into the Taurus) that had a Mustang V8 (the lower horse throttle body versions not the higher horse carberated) and a 3/4 inch sway bar. Not only could it run with Camaros and Mustangs it also handled pretty good

Actually while I agree that many in Anime Culture has refined Cosplay into what it is today, Cosplay has been around a lot longer than people realize. You can find pictures of people doing costuming from Science Fiction conventions in the early 70s.

Pretty much the same thing happened to me. I had heard that it was a great show from a bunch of people, and even thought about watching it when it popped up on Netflix, but I didn't really start watching it until my daughter picked it one day on the kids lineup. Then I was hooked and her and I watched the whole

1. "Those who do not give a fuck change the world. The rest do not."

S-Voice doesn't use Google's voice service so you should try using Google Voices native commands or download an app that does use them like Utter (my favorite).

As an aside, I love the fact that G+ automatically uploads my pictures from my phone, it makes sure that if I have any technical problems, or God forbid my phone gets stolen (like my wife's did recently), I still have them and don't have to worry about size limits like with Dropbox (I would fill that sucker up sooooo

I prefer Google+ over Facebook, but I still use them both for completely different reasons.

It didn't have to be a Vacation, it was still an adventure. Sometimes the goal it's self isn't the issue, it is the balls (or ovaries in this case) to make the trip at all.

I've done a little bit. It is super easy work but EXTREMELY mind numbing. Also you have to typically build up a good rep before you can take the higher dollar jobs so you need to toil at the 15-30 centers for a while.

No I think they are adding villains as well because that is Sabertooth and next to him is Mystique.

People say this all the time yet my 4 year old uses Kinect to play several games and has been doing so since she was 2. I have several other friends who have kids that are doing the same thing.

Rebel Doughnut in Albuquerque also makes similar doughnuts. I personally can't handle that much sugar but when we go visit friends we end up there at least once. They also make "Blue Sky" doughnuts using blue rock candy in honor of "Breaking Bad".

That myth comes from non Body Builders not understanding why Body Builders eat like that. The problem comes from the body's ability to only absorb 20ish grams of protein and hour and being able to digest a meal in about 3ish hours.

I've seen the "Studies" that say that MSG has these affects that they are very poorly done with little to no peer review.

Your right, that is a crazy idea.

I guess what bothers me about the add is that Chipotle is is pretty much knocking the rest of the fast food industry, when they wouldn't even be a chain if it wasn't for the fact that they were backed by McDonald's when they first branched out, even if McDonald's did pull out of the company in 2006.

Yeah, but there is no reason to treat them poorly before you kill them. I think that is what bothers me about our commercial meat industry, not that we kill and consume meat, but that we pretty much torment a good chunk of them from the point they are born to when they die.

To me they look more like the original turtles from the black and white comics, they were pretty thin when they first started.

Wow, necroing a thread. :D

I do believe that there is a 67 not a 68, it has the fake vents in the body line and turn signals in the hood. Not that it matters that much because they are pretty much the same car but I thought I would point that out.