
Maybe I'm just weird but I've seen tons of 260 and 280s with the 2+2 option. I don't know if I would say they still count in this conversation because they were really just two seaters that they stretched the back of the roof up to squeeze some child size seats in the back, but it just doesn't seem like they were

When is the cut off for the submission of applications?

You, sir, win the internet for the day.

Ah, gotcha. Sometimes people miss the references in the article if they just skim them, it's good to see you are a thorough reader.

Actually the Batman/Superman is the end of The Dark Night Returns by Frank Miller, way worth checking out.

At least once a day someone has to yell "Cohagen! Turn on the air!"

This is about as tasteful as those that are saying that we need to arm our teachers. You want to know if bring up a subject is tasteful or not? Ask yourself what the person on the other side is saying and if you think it is tasteful. To me hearing "More Gun Control" at a time like this sounds like the person is

I would have put it more tactfully but I do agree.

Yup, giving this one my vote.

Guy Pearce was pretty much the only part of "Lockout" that I enjoyed. There were too many "Why the hell would they 'x,y,z' when putting a prison in space" or "Why would that character do 'x,y,z'" moments for me to get into it.

Hoooollllyyyy Crap. I tried watching this movie but turned it off about 10 minutes in because it started making my teeth itch with how bad it was, seeing this clip it shows me it was a good thing because I think that my skull would have imploded with the amount of horrible that filled this, and I use the word very


It may be an early build based off of the 7" tablet UI where having your notifications up top isn't as much of an issue. I agree that it should be at the bottom on a 10"er, so much easier to get to.

Thank you. It was always Lando and G'Kar that kept bringing me back to B5 even after a slow 1st seasons and some of the weaker episodes. Your question reminded me why that was. :)

To me this was the real draw of Babylon because as high handed as the Shadow war was, the conflict between the Narn and Centauri was the down and dirty everyman conflict. While we all dream of the Good verses Evil, Chaos verses Order, and other White Knight/Black Knight conflicts that was the main story for most of

I don't think liking Star Trek has anything to do with it. I'm a huge Star Trek fan ESPECIALLY DS9, and I love me some Babylon as well. It was interesting during the time that Babylon came out and DS9 started everyone was comparing the two, including me, I refused to watch B5 because I refused to believe that

See, that is only because you are framing the statement wrong. There are high end Andoid phones as well that cost just as much as the iPhone and are very comparable in features as well. The thing about Android is that manufactures can use it as they will with few licencing fees (those fees are only for Google

This truly is an example of us needing a +1 button on comments.

I actually kind of dig the Animated Batman and Superman costumes. If I wasn't a chubby guy I would be all over them.

You know I didn't notice that on my one viewing but now that you point it out it makes sense.