
While I agree that "Inflatable Raft as a Parachute" is pretty darn close to "Nuking the Fridge" on the WTF meter, Temple of Doom just FELT more like an Indy movie to me.

The photo is of a 1911, the video is a P95. The video wasn't done by Andrew it was just added by the author in case anyone wanted to see video of a gun being shot underwater.

Thank you, I was about to say the same thing.

Yup, I had forgotten the inventor when I made my first post, thank you for reminding me.

Gah! You are right. That is like when I slip and say "Hot Water Heater", who would heat hot water?

Well it was both. The rifling made the shots go farther, but rifling in barrels still wasn't widely used until they made them easier to load. The original rifled barrels just took so long for infantry men to load it wasn't practical for the military at first so there were very few made that way until for a good long

Well it was a little more then that. The big problem was that no one could figure out how to load a bullet into a rifled barrel quickly at first so they stuck with smooth bore rifles even though they knew that rifling was better. That was because in order to get the bullet to ride along the grooves of the rifling

There is an Anime called "Kore Wa Zombie Desu" where the main character is a Zombie, not the rotting shambling style, but a guy who was brought back by a Necromancer. I find it pretty funny.

If the Ford Focus has all the options plus more of the BMW, was as reliable, and the same price or cheaper, why the hell would someone buy a BMW? Oh, so they can say they have a BMW.

Holy Crap how as someone in Japan NOT made a Dune anime, I mean it just would fit so freaking well with the style they typically tell stories in.

He may be going for a story about Tie pilots and is just showing the characters he is going to use.

It wouldn't be sensationalist and grab clicks if it was reasonable. Welcome to the "Weekly World News" of tech.

That has nothing to do with it in this case. Acer agreed to only make Android based devices that meet certain criteria (This is one of the ways Google is trying to cut back on fragmentation) and this phone did not meet that and while the OS is not exactly Android it does use it's kernel and runs Android APK.

This OS may not have been Android, but it was derived from it and ran Android APKs. Acer agreed to not make an Android or Android like device unless it met certain criteria and this phone did not do that. How is Google making one of it's partners live up to it's agreement "Evil"?

I don't see where the thought that there is no real free will is such a foolish notion.

That is a many with some f-ing motivation right there.

I think with "Renegades" is was a combo of poor writing and poor direction. I honestly couldn't tell that they were talking to each other when it started because their is no anchor to the conversation, it is just two guys looking directly into the camera with it being cut back and forth, especially when you do place

Isn't Neal Stephenson also pushing the sword fighting video game tech?

See, I think you are comparing apples to oranges on this. If someone were to analyze the scene for impact on the audience ie the guy survives therefor that negates the fact that the hero decided to shoot an unarmed man, then they will also analyze the fact that a man who makes a hostile act in the middle of an action

Because it is about the intention of the character, just like you said with Han, making him shoot first changes the intent of the character.