
Soooo, how is my scene not an example of someone that shoots before he is attacked by someone that is in a PG-13 movie? I know you were not referencing that scene, I was bringing it up as an example of a hero that shoot someone who is not only no armed, but also not even attacking him.

I think you are just looking to pick nics here. This scene doesn't just happen in a vacuum, Indy had been attacked several times by assailants with a verity of weapons just before this scene. It is obvious that this guy is joining in on the conflict, not just there to swing his sword around so unless someone has the

He has since put them back in, but the reason was ET was a "Kids" movie, not a standard action flick so he wasn't comfortable with guns in a kids movie.

I thought he was best known for Guyver.

Maybe the energy cost goes up the farther back you go so they decided that 30 years was sufficient.

What gets me is that at one point one if his eyes looks bigger than the other, then slowly they switch, then as he gets older they even out, like he grew into his eyes.

I was going to say the same thing.

I think that is what finally was able to stop her, if you listen to the report that sounds like the advice that one of the police officers gives her.

What do you want to trade for my Old Thunderbolt.

I've never had the Facebook app do that, on any of my phones.

I think you miss the point (or didn't read the article) this is for people who make their own laundry detergent, not for people who purchase their detergent at the store.

Well that is the thing about open source, anyone can use it. The only way that Google makes any money/has any control is if the manufacturer licenses any of the Google integrated apps like Google Play, G-Mail, Google Maps, etc. and even then you can side load them later if need.

Yes. He even took over as the principle at Spiderman's school to help him and the other superhero teens keep their cover.

I was able to make it up till the end when I saw Summer crying. See just seemed a little intimidated in front of all those fans which surprises me because you would figure she would get that kind of reception at just about any con.

I know that feeling. I just switch to the Cyanogen Rom on my THunderbolt and Swype doesn't want to play well with that. Which ROM are you using on your Fire, that may be what is holding you up.

I'm not sure, I haven't tried it. You would probably have to install the "Swiftkey for Tablets" on your phone, and you might be able to do that with the APK because the market probably restricts it to tablets.

I guess it depends on what you use it for. I followed a bunch of artists and tech people and get in discussions that I normally don't have with my friends. This means I tend to check Facebook to see what my friends are doing, then move over to G+ to learn new things or talk to people I wouldn't have before.

It depends, I like Swype on my phone by Swift Key on my tablet. Swype doesn't work well on that large of a screen, but the split keyboard on Swift Key is perfect, especially with the numeric keys in the middle.

Because Apple tries to patent as broad as possible. If you were Samsung/Google how would you innovate around searching multiple platforms without making a clunky mess out of it? I can understand patenting your specific method for doing something, but the general idea?

I'm surprised I have such a hard time keeping up with my stream with just the two of us on it.