Sorry your missing out then. :P
Sorry your missing out then. :P
I don't get how people say no one is using Google+, I use it all the time and have tons of people that I connect with there all the time. For me Facebook is for all the useless stuff (Hey, look at 50 pictures of my cat!) where as G+ is where I go to have discussions with people about stuff. I like being able to get…
See, that depends, some European swords were not especially sharp in certain areas specifically so you could have other hand holds. These areas were typically near the Qullion (cross guard) up to toward the middle of the blade because you typically didn't cut with that area but could use it for good leverage or to…
I find much contradiction in your reply to me, which confuses me because you seem to be intelligent, so I'll try and respond just as intelligently.
So, I know that I'm probably going to loose my commenting star over, but I really feel the need to get this off of my chest...
I'm not a fan of Sense so I have been skipping Sense based ROMs for my T-Bolt, but if the latest ROM I have fails to impress I may give that a try...
Of course, Isaiah Mustafa is the first guy I thought of. Imagine how suave they could make him.
To me Alien and Aliens are pretty much equal because they are both such different kind of movies.
To those who say Jackie hasn't made any good movies since the 90s really need to look more at what he has been doing in China...
The only problem with that is they show what looks like a relief of a Xenomorph carved into the wall in the trailer, so the general form of the Xenomorph was there before.
Well there had to be some others with facehuggers because of the fact that the colony found and got infected by them later on.
Yeah, it is so prevalent now a days typically the Blogger will just receive a little "Cease and Desist" from the original owner and that will be the end of it. Most of the time, though, as long as the source is credited they usually just take it as free traffic and leave it alone.
That is the key, if they make money selling ads and completely copy from that source then they can be sued.
Well, if they are going to use an Ion style engine they are going to have to store fuel somewhere. There are not enough particles in space to create the amount of thrust that they will need to move something that big.
They are suppose to start filming season 4 sometime...
Yeah, but the line the Fury used was pretty weak too. If you are going to go weak then you might as well do it because you are referencing the original work.
I was thinking pretty much the same thing. I figured he could have said, "Because we need them, they will assemble." or something like that.
And he got it from a paper published in the 1950s. The reason it keeps being repeated is because the question keeps being asked of astrophysicists "What is the most amazing thing you have learned?". I personally believe that Neil deGrosse Tyson is this Generations' Carl. I think he is going to bring science to the…
It's probably a combo of YouTube with running some other flash or script, but I just don't understand why it would be only YouTube on several computers of mine.
Same thing happens to me and it annoys the living poop out of me. The real suckage is that I have a fast enough internet connection, and I don't have any problems with any other site I go to, yet YouTube loads slow and will only load a little of the video unless I'm actually watching it.