I like the way the Neil deGrosse Tyson explains it...
I like the way the Neil deGrosse Tyson explains it...
I have a question for the hive mind here. I prefer to run my wire down my back because not only do I use my earphones for workouts, but also when I work outside, and if the wire is in front it continually gets in the way of whatever I'm working on.
I think that much storage is more aimed at businesses. :-P
Well, yeah, you can get SO cord in as high as 4 gauge in some areas (for running portable sub panels) but that isn't the same as a pre-made cord which is more of what they are focusing on in the article. I've had to carry around cords made of that large wire, it wasn't fun...
One of the things I wished they did in this article is explain WHY you use these cords and the rules to use to pick a cord, that way you can go outside of this list.
I have just always cupped my hand a little bit making it semi-circular in shape. This allows you to return a good firm shake, but because of the shape of your hand they can't get the leverage needed to do any real damage to your knuckles.
I'm worried about Prometheus for the same reason, kind of like Blade Runner wasn't so successful when it first came out but out lasted the poor initial reaction and found life afterword.
That and "The Molesting Tree" as well, although that is more the first "Evil Dead".
I figured that and "Deadites" was a reference to the Evil Dead series.
No that Wolf was asking for it, didn't you see how it was all dressed on that wall?
Okay, but that is my point. Why should we judge Android tablets as "Lacking Apps" when a good 90% of the existing Android apps work great on Android Tablets?
Thanks for the heads up, I'll try that if I find another app that tries to size its self weird on my screen. So far it has only been that one game and honestly I don't think I was going to like the game anyway.
Actually there are way more Android Apps then iPad (specific) apps. The number of Android Apps on Google Play seams to have leveled off at 600,000, but this doesn't include side loadable apps that you can get through Amazon, sideMe, and other apps stores, so it is safe to say that Android apps are pushing close to a…
I don't get the "Lack of Apps" statement that is always made about Android Tablets. I've had my ASUS TF101 for a month and a half now and have only found 1 app that didn't look good on it. (A game that tried to resize its self to phone proportions)
That was really cool. Now we just need to get him off of Tumber so he can format in an easier to read fashion. I hated having to click back and forth to navigate to the next comic...
I still wish that it had a proper ending. At times the writing was weak, but then they would give me the Red Baron episode and all would be good again.
That whole movie is just full of awesome.
I like that scene because it is one of the most realistic ever put to film.
I loved my Zunes. I got a Zune 80 back years ago and picked it over the iPod because it had a bigger screen and I wanted to watch movies on it. Never regretted that decision and used it for years.
Yeah, I like the Lincoln too. It kind of bothered me they based the 66 on a corvette chassis instead of an older Lincoln with a big Ford V8, but then I'm a blue oval guy.