
Disagree about the llamas looking like shit.  Them’s some goodass llamas.  Carry on.

Gronk only pawn in game of life. 

I used three of the explosive charge modules I usually use for a different project

I’m so glad I’m a fat atheist. This shit sounds fucking exhausting...


Jesus, tap dancing, christ. If you don’t like the casting then go back to reading the stories with your lily white images in your racist little heads. The racists do have a reason to not like these types of inclusive castings for movies and TV shows though: They are absolutely normalizing interracial life. The

Of course they have an AF All, they need one.

Need to load an oven on the back of a truck and when someone dies their loved one calls a 1-800 number and a truck shows up and burns them down to ashes and just gives you a box or an urn for a nominal upcharge. Kind of like Shred-it....except for people....need to figure out a few things; smoke, cooling down the

What if they hit it and it then veers towards Earth? Is there another rocket on deck?

Just ‘plop a lemon wedge’, eh? Am I to act like some kind of pleb who doesn’t understand retronasal smell, putting gauche ‘flavors’ on my ‘tongue’ instead of inhaling them in a dignified manner befitting the classy gentleman I truly am!

Careful, Alec! Pointing things is how you got into this mess!

Yeah, most jobs I’ve had mention this in your terms of employment or contract. When they call it out, then yes, you have to tell them (or are barred from it entirely). Also, if you work for a local, state, or federal gov’t, there are LOTS of restrictions about what you can or can’t take on additionally.

lol ew

“Abortion on demand” makes it sound a little like a happy meal.

Oh wow. So it’s a combination fish tank and sous vide cooker? Yum.

I wonder what would happen if I were to knock over a donut shop in front of a squadron of police officers on their coffee break?

the Want to date a family member is something we know about, we’ve reproduced ourselves, we’re working on it.

Well, well. Life imitates art once again.

Nice pull on the Poltergeist 2 reference.

What, don’t you know how to use a hob?