
Nope, a couple of minutes in, they’ll suddenly veer off to a barely-connected storyline, before snapping back right at the end for the big finish!

You don’t have to add any bathrooms, just change the signage and put locking handles on the doors. Boom, single-occupancy restroom.

I am most impressed with the pun - “Slime Lapse.”

It’s because it is a single-cell organism. Any clump of cells is exactly like any other clump of cells.

I’ll be really surprised if Trump isn’t impeached within the first six months. Hell, he may find a way to get impeached before he takes the oath.

I’m fully expecting something more along the lines of they cut the agency, and let state and municipal governments find their own education money. That money that was going to the Department isn’t going to find its way into education in any way, shape or form.

Over the past year, I’ve unfollowed every Trumpaloopa on my friends list on FB, with the intention of following them again after the election. Fuck that. I forsee a weekend of much drinking and mass unfriending in my near future.

This sure feels a lot like the Brexit vote. “It’ll never happen!”

So, anyone else starting to panic?

Armed: Handgun. Heavily Armed: “Assault Rifle” Of course, you also have to keep this in mind:

I’m thinking it may be a letter from a Bill Belichick, but not the Bill Belichick.

Personally, I’m looking forward to Supreme Court Justice Barack Obama.

I’m still thinking he hasn’t shown his true colors yet. My guess: HR is a spy for Earth-19's Gorilla Grodd, his “partner” who actually decoded the transmission. All because of one word HR used - metasapien instead of metahuman.

You deserve a negative for wasting the “shit-eating grin” comment.


+1 - I want to shake your hand, unless it’s already shaking.

This should probably have been held until after the election - you don’t want to give the Trump-ettes any ideas...

When I saw the picture, I thought someone had tried to photoshop in the “Crying Jordan” face, and failed miserably.